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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Wanna See a Gross Picture?

Wanna See a Gross Picture?

Actually the pic isn't that gross since the dead tissue was removed from the wound today.

Donna's appointment with the surgeon for Tuesday got cancelled late Monday afternoon and was rescheduled for today at the office near the hospital (longer trip). When we got there the receptionist said immediately that the doc was out sick. Bad news! But a PA was taking his patients and Donna could see her if she wanted to. Well... duh...

With the dead tissue in the wound Donna would have seen a meat cutter as long as he had a knife. Donna undressed the wound herself, which is understandable. It always hurts less or is less annoying when the patient can do the process herself.

So the PA takes a look and gets a few instruments. No local anesthetic; she just reached in with surgical scissors and tweezers and began snipping tissue. Donna made a face a few times but she was wearing her big gurl panties (well, they were actually around her knees at the time) and she toughed it out and let the PA work.

I couldn't see into the wound from where I was sitting but I could see what was being removed and after the pile got to be a good size, I could see the PA's gloved finger penetrating into the "tunnel" where some of the dead tissue had been. It was a bit blood, but it's no longer black, so here a pic. Looks like mybloggers's uploader is working as long as the pic isn't too large.


So the wound is full of sponge and the vac is applied and a nurse will come on Saturday to redo the sponge. This process is dragging on but Donna still hasn't said that if she had it to do over she wouldn't. Looks like the vac will be on for at least a few more weeks since her next appointment isn't until 7 January.

A box of Christmas gifts has already been transported to the grandkids' house and Donna will probably stop by there on Saturday. After that we should have a quiet holiday. Ham is in the refrigeration and snow is coming.

Merry Christmas and happy other holidays that you may celebrate!

posted on Dec 20, 2012 6:18 PM ()


Geez that poor girl!!! I do hope this heals up completely and soon!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 29, 2012 7:28 AM ()
the whole process sounds mighty painful. hope it all turns out ok. are y'all getting any of the winter storms yet? friends in Ra-cha-cha say its near a blizzard there.

yer Christmas is over so enough with the snow already pal
comment by honeybugg on Dec 27, 2012 12:49 AM ()
Poor dear! What an ordeal! At least it seems to be smaller.
comment by maggiemae on Dec 21, 2012 5:31 PM ()
I hope Donna is feeling better and that you have a great holiday.
comment by elderjane on Dec 21, 2012 12:34 PM ()
It was not as gross looking as I feared when I saw the title, looks a lot better than the previous picture you posted when it looked so much worse. Best holiday wishes to both of you.
comment by troutbend on Dec 20, 2012 9:09 PM ()
The black in the previous is the sponge that attaches to the wound vac. This is the first pic I posted of the open wound. The previous picture like this were gross--all sorts of slimy colors.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 21, 2012 8:13 AM ()
I'm nervous about the whole thing--I just hope everything goes okay.
comment by greatmartin on Dec 20, 2012 6:38 PM ()
It's actually getting smaller and not as deep as it was. The vac is excellent at preventing infection, so she should be Ok soon. It would take twice as long without the machine, so this is a big improvement over days gone by.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 20, 2012 7:10 PM ()
oh dear would not like that at all ---poor Donna---at least the wound looks and will get better in time .
Three things on xmas day-- breakfast at daughters next door open pressies there --lunch at 2nd daughters -- open pressies there--- bbq at sons place xmas night open more pressies there --- all within 10 km radius of home ---have a good one mate xmas cheer to you both
comment by kevinshere on Dec 20, 2012 6:33 PM ()
Ah... a Christmas BBQ LOL Would take a bit of getting used too... Christmas in the summer. Sounds like a good plan. I wouldn't mind driving a few mile myself if there was going to be food.
Donna's wound is actually getting smaller. The dark red is where the dead tissue was. If the PA got it all, healing should start going much faster.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 20, 2012 7:09 PM ()

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