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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Maybe I Think Too Much ... ..

Maybe I Think Too Much ... ..

I read posts on mybloggers almost every day, but i rarely get around to writing my own posts. When I do post, it's usually about something significant: 4C Camp for Adults, siding on the house, the garden when it's doing well, or not well. There are times when I actually don't have anything interesting to say. Other times, there's one item and I figure I'll save it until I have enough content for a post. One look at my main page shows me how well that is working out, so I'm figuring on changing my ways.

I have to admit that Facebook has shortened significantly my attention span. I read articles there on occasion, mostly political stuff, but I'm getting too used to doing status updates rather than content, although I must admit that even over there, most of what I post is links and not original thought.

So, with all that in mind, I guess I'll mention that sometimes these days I wonder if I'm loosing it. I have weird thoughts that really don't seem to be symptoms of dementia, but they aren't pleasant or empowering either. Mostly it happens at night when I go to bed. I've always been somewhat claustrophobic and wearing a mask attached to the BiPAP machine can be somewhat confining, although I've been doing it for almost 15 years. So then I have these thoughts about being trapped.

There are cases where a person can be conscious in a paralyzed body. I think most folks would agree that such a condition is scary. But the though gets out of hand when I generates a panic attack. Donna already know that I am to be sedated (or something) if I ever end up in that condition. \

Then there is stroke. Nobody wants to have a stroke. I personally saw the results of the multiple strokes my ma had before she died. Not pleasant, but for somebody like me who is used to doing what he needs to do when it needs to be done, the thought of not being able to function properly is scary.

How about this? What if there is actually some sort of consciousness after death and it is less pleasant than physical existence. What if there is awareness, but no way out. Eternity is a loooong time. The nuns use to talk about singing praise to god, but I think even that would get boring after a few billion years.

On the bright side, I believe that consciousness is brain-dependent, so I kind of dismiss some of the possibilities. But in order to dismiss them they must be thought through first, and therein lies the dilemma....

Sweet dreams until next time....

posted on Sept 20, 2012 7:48 PM ()


For whatever it's worth, I'm putting my two cents in on the afterlife question. There will be learning and growing in the afterlife. We may feel frustrated if our consciousness is still tied to our earthly existence because that part will be done with. Since we will no longer have a body (for a time), some people may feel dis-empowered, especially if there are things they wish they could do or unfinished business.

Likening it to paralysis is not too far off. Fortunately, the spiritual realm is actually more liberating in some ways than life here. It's all about what you're conscious of, which initially will be similar to what you are conscious of now. However, eventually you will become aware of so much more and you will be happy, happier than was ever possible on this earth. Some will be so happy that all they want to do is sing praises night and day! LOL

The truth is, there is stuff to do if you are willing. Important stuff! Kind of like here.
comment by maggiemae on Sept 23, 2012 7:59 AM ()
That's an interesting take on what might happen. We don't have to discuss it if you don't want to, but I see a few problems with it. Separating consciousness from brain from experience from memory for one thing. What of the person who experiences brain damage and no longer has human experience but is kept alive. Perhaps I will blog about this and other aspects of death/eternity. Thanks for the comment.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 24, 2012 8:58 AM ()
tHINKING ALWAYS LEADS TO PROBLEMS--STOP THINKING!!!! (And next time unlock your Caps Lock!!)
comment by greatmartin on Sept 22, 2012 6:48 PM ()
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 24, 2012 8:54 AM ()
I have major claustrophobia and thinking about putting a mask on my face and using a BiPap machine makes my heart race out of control and scares me so bad. So does having to have a PET scan. They may as well just go ahead and shoot me.
comment by gapeach on Sept 22, 2012 10:52 AM ()
The old BiPAP masks looked almost like the masks pilots wore in WWII movies. It took a bit of getting used to when I first started with BiPAP. Up until recently, it hadn't been a problem. I had an MRI of my knee which I could think my way through only because my head was just far enough out of the tube to see the numbers at the top of the machine. I ran out of an upper body scan before I got into the machine. Finally had to find a place that does "open" MRI and I could handled that although I did eat a large valium (or something similar) before I went in. It's really amazing how some people can adjust to some of these situations. We have a saying in the Fellowship tho. "Your Higher Power will not give you more to deal with than you can handle". This has so far been true.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 11:12 AM ()
John as I was reading this post, I kept thinking of the old saw, "Don't
trouble trouble until trouble troubles you." Just enjoy the gifts that
life brings. Sht happens but it is beyond our control.
comment by elderjane on Sept 22, 2012 3:12 AM ()
True, but as Martin says below, his doc knows when to pull the plug. Maybe my mind is telling me to make better plans than a few paragraphs in my health care proxy.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 11:06 AM ()
Yes, you definitely think too much.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 21, 2012 12:12 PM ()
Very succinct. I have thought this stuff through for many years. It's only when it causes anxiety that it has become a problem.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 11:04 AM ()
well not sure what to make of this.Thing good thoughts,I think that when we get older we think of t he bad.How our parents die or sibling.I for one do not think about this.Yes,once in awhile will think or saying what is going to happen to me.John keep living smile,laugh,go out and enjoy the life out there.redolftimes comments makes a lot of sense.Live today and tomorrow will take care of itself.Take care and best to Donna.
comment by fredo on Sept 21, 2012 11:41 AM ()
Thanks. Hope you are doing Ok after Buffy. I know it will take time...
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 11:03 AM ()
You poor dear. Those are some scary thoughts!!! Try to think of growing old with Donna in the best conditions possible...
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 21, 2012 10:29 AM ()
Odds are in my favor. I've had glaucoma, pancreatitis (x3), arthritis, etc. I figure I've had my share. Talking about this stuff during the day isn't an issue. Never has been. It's only when I happens when I'm ready to sleep that it causes anxiety, and that is what's new about it.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 11:02 AM ()
I know what you mean about the strange thoughts that come out when we're trying to fall asleep. To push them away, I envision some non-threatening project such as how I would re-arrange my kitchen.
comment by troutbend on Sept 21, 2012 9:11 AM ()
That's great if it works. I usually just watch the thoughts go by, what therein lies the problem, recently they have become internalized and cause anxiety. Put they do stop and I do fall asleep, so whatever the purpose, it's working out so far.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 11:00 AM ()
The life we know now is not forever, that much I do know. I sometimes wonder about what will happen next...but I try to not let it condume my thoughts, because plain and simple we can't change and we can't turn back time. So live today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
comment by redwolftimes on Sept 21, 2012 5:42 AM ()
You touch on another issue. We can't change what will come. So there is not much sense in thinking about it. But when the thoughts come, as I told Martin, they must be processed and disposed of. Hopefully they will be forgotten as have so many things I have thought through in my past.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 10:58 AM ()
What if???????????? Waste of your time just as woulda, shoulda--"There are cases where a person can be conscious in a paralyzed body"--that is my nightmare but can't waste a moment thinking about it--my doc knows my criterion for the plugs to be pulled and I have warned if he doesn't I will haunt him!!!
As far as blogs--when I started blogging I made a commitment to myself that I would post a blog a day and I have (except for the 4 days I was in the hospital blogging about every and anything--as you know!!! LOL
comment by greatmartin on Sept 20, 2012 8:12 PM ()
I have thought about and discussed these issues and many others over the years. It's necessary to come to conclusions about what one believes (eternity and things like that). The only reason it's an issue now is because it gets internalized and generates anxiety. Sounds like you have thought out the "pulling the plug" issue. I have some of that written in my health care proxy. But there is the issue of paralysis again, or consciousness without mobility. I'd say the same thing, not worth wasting time thinking about. But when the thought's happen they have to be processed. Hopefully they will go the way of so many things I have thought about during my lifetime.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 22, 2012 10:55 AM ()

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