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Politics & Legal > Tea Party - Its Own Worst Enemy

Tea Party - Its Own Worst Enemy

A few weeks ago, I think if was on mybloggers, somebody posted a link to the Tea Party. Naturally I want to know what they are up too, so I signed up for their news letter (or whatever it is). What you see below came to my yahoo email account today. I really hate to ask you to waste your time reading it, but you'll have to in order to see that there is really no content of significance. Nothing positive, nothing encouraging, just anti-government, anti-Obama rhetoric. The truly sad part is that the Tea Party's followers probably find this drivel empowering. .

The time has come for VICTORY! Complete, concise and exact Victory! The world must witness that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom - and "Our" government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

We are at a critical point in the Restoration of America. We have won, but only a battle, yes a concise one at that, but, never the less, the war rages on! We must not be bashful or timid, but bold, united and strong.

A voice from history calls to us: "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." Thomas Jefferson

The Tea Party has only a few weeks to build our ranks into a powerful voting block which no elephant or donkey machine can overcome. The power-brokers have called us: "racists, rightwing radicals, the tin-foil hat crowd" and other names I can't print here.

They ridiculed us, demanding the public pay no attention. Their preachers of confusion declared us a "flash in the pan." Their prophets prophesied our early demise. The pollsters all stated in unison we were finished. The Newspapers slandered us, BUT we kept marching.

We Shall Be Heard! The stakes are high and you had better believe the liberal cabal will pull out every trick in the book! Their Chicago strong arm techniques are straight out of the 1933 Germany Putsch Handbook! The lies, the accusations, the Gangster style dirty tricks, the backroom deals, but we shall NOT stop.

They will talk about us. They will curse us. They will accuse us. They will throw dirt on us. They will lie about us. THEY SHALL LOSE!

We shall ignore their vain words, we shall not be offended, and we shall stay on mission. The barbs and arrows will not stop us. We shall not be dissuaded from our course. With the perseverance of our Founding Fathers we shall persist. We shall not be hypocritical, arrogant or self-righteous, but we shall be confident that by Divine providence we shall win.

The enemy of democracy will look for racism and find nothing. They will thrash about like a snake under the boot heel of its capture claiming political dominance. The socialists will try to convince the nation of the fallacy of the Tea Party, but their own words will defeat them.

What shall we do? We shall pledge our Life, Liberty and Sacred Honor just as our Founding Fathers did over 233 years ago. We shall make the house calls, walk the precincts, make the phone calls, talk to our neighbors, write the checks and pray for our nation.

There is no obstacle too high we shall not surmount, no problem too great for the American people to conquer and no one too powerful to be exempt from the peaceful wrath of the Patriotic members of the Republic.

Those who choose to work against the will of the People shall be sent home in disgrace. Those who chose to enslave our Children with deficits and bailouts shall be banished from the Halls of Washington. Those who laughed at 'We The People' and called us names, shall be politically silenced.

Yes, The Tea Party shall save the day, which translates into: YOU will save America!

Yes, I am sounding the alarm! Yes, the hour is dark! Yes, if we do not accomplish our task we will disappear as a nation.

Our ranks are swelling! We are bursting out at the seams! We are mobilizing and shall march to our polling stations casting our votes in protest and confidence. Nothing can stop us! We are an irresistible force. We shall win! We shall out-number the opposing liberal cabal horde.

We SHALL create a tsunami of conservative voters who shall swarm the voting stations. We shall convince enormous volumes of fellow voters to throng their polling places. Tea Partiers shall rise up in multitudes, by the tens of millions and crush the hideous liberal machine with our lawful votes. We shall destroy any chance of an accidental win by the dark forces of the one world plight.

The task is great! NO one may ever know of your sacrifice, you may be a silent hero like those thousands of Patriots before you who fought against all odds to establish our Republic.

November 2nd, Voting Day, must become a spectacle for the Earth to watch as we send a message to the world: "DON'T TREAD ON ME!"

Do you understand what I am saying? This is not fun and games. This is a life and death struggle between the forces of Freedom and the poisonous venom of the fascist cabal.

The Tea Party SHALL lead the way and "Be" the overthrow of the charlatan, Barrack Hussein Obama and his evil minions in both parties if necessary.

posted on Sept 19, 2010 1:17 PM ()


I wish you could hear the Republican candidate for Governor in Oklahoma.
She will probably win but I can't stand her. She is a blonde Sara Palin.
comment by elderjane on Sept 29, 2010 6:54 PM ()
It's ironic they would be quoting Thomas Jefferson. Ignorance reigns.
comment by solitaire on Sept 26, 2010 6:36 AM ()
No harm in dropping a famous name.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 27, 2010 11:24 AM ()
It is carefully non-specific as to any desired goals EXCEPT that the Tea Partier should vote the way the Tea Party says to vote.
comment by drmaus on Sept 25, 2010 4:52 PM ()
That's the idea, a home for the disgruntled. The main problem is that too many people are dissatisfied for a variety or reasons, so a solution for one means nothing to others. What to do? Remain vague? The mid-term election will be as interesting as a presidential election. Some tea party candidates won the GOP primaries, but it remains to be seen whether they can convince the mainstream of their "solutions", which in most cases amount to "cut taxes and cut programs".
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 27, 2010 11:19 AM ()
It seems constructed to gather in anyone discontented with the status quo by not naming its objectives clearly.
reply by drmaus on Sept 25, 2010 4:54 PM ()
They're living in a cocoon of their own rhetoric. They get a lot of coverage and I think they believe the hype means they're really big. The bombast so evident in this sample E mail is very showoffy. They think of themselves as newly important and rightly so by gum. They have for the most part led lives of mediocrity and have convinced themselves their lack of big success is unjust, that the government has ruined their chances and otherwise they'd be Bill Gates. Do you know know that so-called grass roots tea party activism is funded by the billionaire Koch brothers?
comment by tealstar on Sept 23, 2010 8:35 PM ()
Actually, I can't remember where it came from. My recollection is that one day it was just on the news. Then my pal Sarah became associated with it and that was the end for me.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 27, 2010 11:22 AM ()
and the rest of the world laughs and says -----only in America!
comment by kevinhere on Sept 19, 2010 7:09 PM ()
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 20, 2010 8:25 AM ()
Where are their concrete solutions to our problems? Oh, taht's right--they don't have any!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 19, 2010 3:15 PM ()
They don't have any credible leadership either. As my comment to Jon (all the way at the bottom) suggests, each individual has his/her own agenda and most of the agendas are negative.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 19, 2010 4:02 PM ()
oh my...
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 19, 2010 2:58 PM ()
Yup, sad. One of their guys won the republican primary for governor. It was like Ross Perot all over again, but worse. His own ad turned me off to him--cut taxes by 10%, cut spending by 20%, all that was missing is "and it's just that simple". But it's what the Tea Partiers want to hear.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 19, 2010 4:01 PM ()
Totally ignorant baloney stuff. I can imagine how difficult it must be to go through a Tea Party crowd and find a person who managed to get through college and in some states even high school. Poor souls. They are the future of the republican party. I'm laughing my butt off.
comment by jondude on Sept 19, 2010 2:56 PM ()
We only have 2 radio stations around here and the one that broadcasts anything close to news is right wing country. They don't announce meetings of the Dems or Republicans, but they announce the Tea Party as if it's news. They played sound-bites from a recent mtg one morning: One guy was concerned about the President's birth certificate, a woman had something to say about the "god-given Constitution" (wasn't that the bible? It was pathetic. And as represented by this email, not one positive statement about anything. Just a bunch of rebel-wanna-bes caught up in mass hysteria.
reply by jjoohhnn on Sept 19, 2010 3:56 PM ()

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