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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Five Pleasures

Five Pleasures

I snatched this idea from Steve (loose robes) at his open invitation. I liked his use of pictures, so I borrowed that too. My five pleasures here have more to do with the pictures I found in my collection than a list of pleasures I'd come up with if I sat around and thought about it. But these are the top 5 that have pictures associated with them!

1. My Sweetie!

Yup, gotta be number one for many reasons. Imagine what would happen if I somehow managed to put the boyz before her. Not only would it spell the end of my sex life, but I wouldn't even have anybody to talk to for quite some time! I've been single, and I've been shacked-up, and I much prefer shacked-up with the right woman to single. I love you, Sweetie, and the pleasure is a bonus!

2. My Boyz

Look at those faces! Need I say more? I will say more anyway.. Benny is well-behaved, and although Buster needs work in the come-when-called department, he's too cute to get mad at. Besides, they never argue with me, and they're always ready to do whatever I expect from them... "Oh yeah Dad, our favorite thing"!

3. Food

More specifically, Chinese (Americanized) buffet! On the other hand, I like to cook too. Doesn't matter too much how I'm doing it--indoors, outdoors, charcoal, gas, wood.. We'll be having a BBQ next weekend for a few guests and I'll be cooking on a wood fire. That's one of the things I like about camping, but doing it in the yard is Ok too!

4. Camping, Outdoors

I graduated to the rig when getting off the air mattress got to be too much work while tent camping. Hopefully we'll get as far as western NY this summer--where Donna is originally from and where her maw and other relatives still live. The goal is to get out west. Camp on BLM lands for free, and see "real" nature!

5. Nature

I probably could have combined 4 and 5, but I think gardening also fits into this one. That's a much younger me in the middle pic, on Haystack Mountain--second highest in New York state!

If I wanted to include a few things that I don't have pictures for, I think I'd have to say something about going to 12-Step meetings. Not only for what it does for me, but what it does for others. There's a great deal of pleasure in having somebody come up to you after a meeting and say, "what you said really helped me," or "Thanks so much for what you said, now I understand..."

I think it's almost misleading to single out such a few pleasurable activities, since I get pleasure out of most things I do--even when the thing is something that most people would call work! For example, I like looking at the lawn after I mow it, even if it's 80-something degrees and I'm sweaty and tired. "I do nice work" I can usually tell myself, and there is pleasure in a job well done.

Thanks for the suggestion, Steve, it's been a pleasure posting this!

posted on June 29, 2008 11:05 AM ()


Great looking truck, and what is Donna holding up?
comment by troutbend on July 8, 2008 3:37 PM ()
I like the pictures too. May have to snag this one..
comment by elfie33 on July 2, 2008 8:09 AM ()
Great pictures and pleasures. I would only add clean sheets. That simple pleasure is one of my favorites.
comment by elderjane on July 1, 2008 1:52 PM ()
very cool use of pics and the favorites! Well done!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 1, 2008 12:18 PM ()
Errr... what is it that Donna's holding? Is it a set balls?
comment by hayduke on July 1, 2008 9:19 AM ()
That picture of the dogs in the boat, with that person on the other end of the boat is the person I am blogging about. Peice of work that is for sure
comment by jcass on July 1, 2008 7:47 AM ()

That was great John. I love camping and gardening too. We'd make good fence buddies. Have a great day.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 30, 2008 10:08 AM ()
this is such a neat idea. I love the pics connecting everything together
comment by ducky on June 29, 2008 7:43 PM ()
Great post John and the pictures are brilliant
comment by augusta on June 29, 2008 4:26 PM ()
Great idea of posting pictures of your answers! I like #1 the best, of course, because it IS the best!!!
comment by sunlight on June 29, 2008 12:06 PM ()
Your boyz have wonderful faces, as you say. Neat lookin' doggies. Glad you ran with the "5 Pleasures" idea.
comment by looserobes on June 29, 2008 11:58 AM ()
Your road trip sound like a right old adventure
comment by lynnie on June 29, 2008 11:43 AM ()

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