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Men Are From Mars....

Entertainment > Humor > Recent Quips from Late Night (6/30/08)

Recent Quips from Late Night (6/30/08)

"Ralph Nader's in the news. Today, Ralph Nader attacked Barack Obama for refusing to accept public financing for his campaign and said that Obama was too closely tied to big business. Yeah, then the guy sitting next to Nader on the park bench said, 'Shut up!'" --Conan O'Brien

"President Bush and Senator John McCain were both touring the flood-damaged areas of Iowa this week, but they did not cross each other's path. McCain said he didn't want to join up with Bush because that might send the wrong message. Yeah, nothing turns voters off more than people getting together for a noble cause." --Jay Leno

Do you like good news? President Bush has ordered now -- it's official -- has ordered his troops now to find Osama Bin Laden. Yep boy, he really jumped on that one, didn't he?" --David Letterman

"According to a Pentagon report this week, more than 1,000 nuclear missile components in the U.S. arsenal are lost and cannot be located. We can't even find our own weapons of mass destruction! Anyway, the Air Force, in their defense ... said today, there's a big difference between something being missing and just not being able to find it. Which would be okay if you're talking about a pair of lost sunglasses." --Jay Leno

"Last night, President Bush held a celebration at the White House honoring jazz. ... Yeah. It was an awkward moment when Bush said, 'This is great. It's just like being in an elevator.'" --Conan O'Brien

It's just like being in an elevator!
That's my Bush!

posted on June 30, 2008 8:29 AM ()


comment by elfie33 on July 2, 2008 8:09 AM ()
Funny but sadly true.
comment by elderjane on July 1, 2008 1:39 PM ()
Gosh, what are we going to laugh about when he's gone? I guess we needn't fear, politicians are always doing dumb things to make jokes about!
comment by sunlight on July 1, 2008 1:34 PM ()
"President Bush and Senator John McCain were both touring the flood-damaged areas of Iowa this week, but they did not cross each other's path. McCain said he didn't want to join up with Bush because that might send the wrong message. Yeah, nothing turns voters off more than people getting together for a noble cause." --Jay Leno

And that last one!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 1, 2008 12:20 PM ()
These would be funny if they weren't so pathetically true!
comment by hayduke on July 1, 2008 9:17 AM ()
comment by lynnie on June 30, 2008 3:08 PM ()
good stuff
comment by ducky on June 30, 2008 12:30 PM ()
Ever the subject of comedy.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 30, 2008 10:09 AM ()
Now Bush has ordered them to find Bin Ladin!!!!
comment by teacherwoman on June 30, 2008 9:32 AM ()
that is too funny about the missiles! we can't find our own WMD!
comment by elkhound on June 30, 2008 8:54 AM ()

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