Back then, I was in college--I started late--in my 30s. So on the nights when I didn't have classes the next day, I'd stay up to all hours--midnight or later. When I did have class in the morning I'd try to get to bed by 9 so I could get up at 5. It didn't work well. Then I complicated the situation by drinking coffee later in the day and at night. I didn't realize coffee was a problem, since I'd fall asleep right away. But by 3 am I'd be laying awake.... sometimes until it was time to get up at 5 or sometimes until I fell back to sleep and slept until 8.
Anyway, I think I picked up some bad habits again... The hot weather doesn't help, but as I sit here at 5 am and ponder my coffee consumption over the past few days, I think I know why I'm not sleeping instead of typing.
Fortunately I never think I'm "cured" when it comes to booze, but for some reason, it's different with coffee. After years of drinking tea after noon and at 12-Step meetings late in the evening, I'm back to coffee. Friday evening, coffee, then Coke at McDonald's, loaded no doubt with sugar and caffeine. Then coffee first thing yesterday (Saturday) morning. Then coffee at the place I was working, then coffee in the afternoon at a graduation party. Then coffee at the meeting last night. So now I wonder why I'm sitting here instead of sleeping? I think I have it figured out!
Oh well, too late to go back to bed now... might as well take a shower and get on with life. Laundry needs to be done again, the garden needs to be weeded again, the house needs to be vacuumed again, the dogs and rabbits need to be fed again... Hmmm.. I'm hungry too, now that I think about it. I've lost about 10 pounds without trying very had, and I don't want to spoil the trend with too much food. I grazed a bit at the party yesterday, but it was mostly on vegetables and dip.
Doppler radar is spotted with showers and t-storms, but nothing has fallen here all night. It either misses Delaware county or disintegrates before it gets here. I'll see if I can get the laundry dry and the garden weeded before the storms pick up in the heat! Did I mention that it was 68 degrees at 5 am? Sixty-eight is a pleasant daytime high, but it doesn't do much for me as an over-night low! Actually it's the humidity that's worse than the temp, but they seem to go hand-in-hand during the summer...
Ok, I'm outa here... I don't like reading long posts, so I shouldn't write them either... As always.....