I should have gotten this pic a few days earlier. It's amazing that this plant is still alive. It's been transplanted several times, but it keeps bouncing back. I didn't fertilize it this year. Maybe that will actually help it.

That's a bearded Iris. It has also been transplanted a few times.... Came here with me from Phoenicia many years ago. These things are supposed to spread, but they are taking their time.

The subject is the hanging basket, but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to photograph Cati as well. She's been sitting in the yard just waiting to travel. Water tank is filled, and she's ready for camping--even if it's backyard camping. We had frost three weeks ago and record heat last weekend. She has a 13,500 BTU air conditioner, and she's plugged into shore power--all ready for the next heat wave!

I'm not sure what that is. It came with the house. It's right outside the garage, and I like it!

I got the idea from somewhere that this is a poppy, but Donna thinks it's a weed. Either way, I like this one too.

Notice there are no lawn pics! I had to have the handle of the mower welded on Monday. First time I ever broke a handle! Hopefully the weld will hold. I put the handle back on the mower, but I haven't tried it yet.

Donna found this at Aldi's for $1.99. It wasn't until we got home that we realized we should have bought several! Naturally they were gone by the time we were there again.

I hope this pic came out clear enough to see. That is a pistachio nut. Donna bought me a box of "Everybody's Nuts" pistachios the other day. Their guarantee is that if you find a nut that isn't open, they send you a free box if you send the nut to them. Now I ask you (assuming the pic is clear enough) Is that nut *open*?????
These are good nuts, spiced just right with salt and pepper! I hope I get a freebie!
Hope all is well with you... Not too hot, not too cold, and not too wet.
camera--can I ask what is the brand name?
PS Oh go on,blog about the most inane stuff in your life--
we love it!