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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Finally Got My 'Puter Back!

Finally Got My 'Puter Back!

I can do a lot online with my droid tablet, but replying to posts on mybloggers is one of the more difficult tasks. Trying to get the touch screen to recognize small button is tough, here, and on facebook. It can be even worse there when trying to read comments on photos. But anyway, if you need to know more about droids, just ask.

The problem with the 'puter turned out to be as simple as the guy on the phone diagnosed. It was just a matter of getting back to the town where it was fixed to pick it up. I was there last week and the computer guy called an hour after I got home. But that's the breaks.

I wanted to order one of Donna's Christmas presents but I needed a reasonably fast machine to search Amazon and do comparisons. Got it done last night. Estimate delivery is between 14 and 16 December, so it's good I didn't have to wait until the last minute.

Donna knows what the second gift is so it doesn't matter if I mention it. No details, but it's a custom crafted yarn bowl. That should also arrive in the nick of time since it needs to be thrown and fired and painted and shipped.

We went to the community dinner today for turkey. To read blogs and fb posts I have to wonder why people continue to do the same thing with relatives over and over and expect different results. I started cooking for out-of-town guests when I moved to my first house when I was 25. I enjoyed the standing rib roasts (except for the year that something wasn't right with the cooking temperature) but as recently as when I met Donna we'd have people over and it usually sucked to some degree. Adults who act like children and children who act like monsters. The volunteers went all-out again to put on a fine spread. I had seconds and came home stuffed for the day. Cloth napkins and white tablecloths and fancy place-mats. I prefer dark meat, but even the few slices of breasts that slipped onto my place were juicy and tender. Wonderful meal. I asked the little table-clearing gurl (10 years old, maybe) if she was getting many tips and she said "no", so I gave her a buck. Good kits need attention and positive reinforcement these days. All the attention seems to go to the other end of the spectrum.

I dislike winter as much as ever. The cold and snow held off for quite awhile and even tho it's only been crappy out for a few days it seems like a lot longer already. We only drove three miles today but the truck came back with white salt streaks up to the door handles (which is more than 4 feet from the ground on a Silverado).

Well, Christmas is coming. I put up a set of lights when we got back from dinner. My favorite decoration. Didn't think to take a pic yet, but I probably will get around to it tomorrow when I bring out the rest of the stuff.

For my southern friends who thinks it's cold down that way, let me just mention that it's 7.6F here and it's only 9pm.

Stay warm,

posted on Nov 28, 2013 6:02 PM ()


Happy your back. MyBloggers hasn't been working for me in awhile so was surprised I was able to even comment on your post!
comment by panthurdreams on Dec 22, 2013 11:29 AM ()
glad you are back! And brrr... it is cold here too!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 11, 2013 11:30 AM ()
It has been many years since I had any holiday with my family. They are gone -- I have first cousins far away. I haven't made descendants. So it goes. I get by.
comment by tealstar on Dec 7, 2013 10:00 AM ()
Never had the desire to breed although me and Herself raised her kid as ours. Hopefully I'll never get to the point were I sit home alone. For now, the situation is fine the way it is.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 7, 2013 2:48 PM ()
You won't need A/C in most of CA. The humidity is very very low.
comment by jondude on Dec 1, 2013 5:38 PM ()
My ex ran off to CA. She started out in Hanford (hmm... might have forgotten the spelling ) and then moved to some place where it was too hot to stay in the RV without AC. I'd visit Slab City, but otherwise I have no real desire to go quite that far west.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 7, 2013 2:46 PM ()
never take puter away when travelling costs too much , use public libraries when needed.
xmas tree up not long now
comment by kevinshere on Nov 29, 2013 5:21 PM ()
Christmas in early summer! That must be an experience. We've usually had snow especially since I moved upstate in '79. We have many places around here that offer free WiFi. Perhaps they'll start doing that down there. Then you can take your droid to McDonald's and have a cuppa coffee and search the web!
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 30, 2013 8:12 PM ()
It's good to hear from you. Just yesterday I was telling Mr. Tbend about your video How to Warm up a Cheeseburger.
comment by troutbend on Nov 29, 2013 9:35 AM ()
I don't know how many views that video has now, but the grout cleaning vid has almost 50,000. Guess I'll have to take youtube's offer of making a buck by running commercials.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 30, 2013 8:09 PM ()
You are making me feel guilty about having all this sunshine. I love having
my family around me and being the matriarch of the clan. Sure, I am exhausted from it, it was expensive but we had such a good time. That is
why we keep doing it over and over. It fosters a strong sense of family
and being connected from the oldest (me) to the youngest, Penelope, my
third cousin.
comment by elderjane on Nov 29, 2013 6:34 AM ()
My buddy had all sorts of relatives up to the house with various complaints and BS. His wife asked what me and Donna were doing and he told her. She realized that they could have stuffed some cash in the donation box (optional) and took the whole clan down to the firehouse. That is more of the type of stories I hear, but it's nice that it works for you!
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 30, 2013 8:08 PM ()
Winter here is the pits. I so miss my 30 years in California.
comment by jondude on Nov 29, 2013 6:32 AM ()
I came close to moving to NC in '97. Every day they were having 100 degree highs, and I can't live in a place where I have to stay in the a/c. So here I am in lake-effect country--the one thing I didn't know about the area when I moved here.
reply by jjoohhnn on Nov 30, 2013 8:05 PM ()

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