I didn't go to my classes today. My Mom stayed home to look after me - make sure I ate (all I could put down was homemade chicken soup and crackers), and drink plenty of liquids. Having an appetite wasn't working for me. I'd take a drink or bite of food and then break into a coughing fit. It was crazy. The one thing that is really freakish about having Bronchitis is how much you sweat...like profusely. Or maybe it was just me. I couldn't lie flat in bed to sleep or rest because it would make me cough, so I've been utilizing my Dad's recliner. Along with all the medication and inhaler that I'm using, I have also gone through 2 packs of cough drops..sugar free of course. Rotting teeth is not very attractive.
My Mom thought it was funny to snap this photo of me while I was in my Dad's recliner...notice the kittens crawling all over me. We are temporarily fostering them until they find permanent homes. I like cats well enough so thankfully they didn't seem to irritate or make worse my symptoms. They were pretty cute:

I was able to take my two tests online at home. Both of my professors were very understanding and one even joked how I was just sick for a sympathetic grade (or something like that), and then proceeded to hook me up with someone in class to get the lecture notes from today's class. It's pretty sweet how everyone at my college have laptops in classrooms - note taking is so much easier and faster. My Mom said she'd contact the guy tomorrow to retrieve the notes so that I don't miss too much. The doctor didn't exactly say when I can return to school...it was more like whenever I feel up to it. I'm shooting for Thursday.
Time to eat a little. Nap a little. :)
adorable. Get well!