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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > Bad Day

Bad Day

I had a horrible visit at the psychiatric doctor this morning. I was there for my bipolar medication check-up. Things went completely wrong from the very beginning, I slipped into one of my impulsive episodes within a few minutes of being in his office. I was aware I was angry, It was becoming full case of rage, I could feel myself losing it. By the time I got home I was fully overwhelmed with how terrible I thought the appointment went.

I abruptly, and quite impulsively started with the computer. Deleting all my networking sites. My Facebook, Google Reader, Friend Feed, all of them. I can't explain or give any logical reason why I was erasing myself from the Internet and all my friends. I can barely remember doing it. But I do remember I felt I was outside my body watching myself destroy my internet life. One little tap at a time.

That is how quickly a bipolar disorder episode can manifest itself. Episodes like these are the ones I am NEVER prepared for. They seem to just come out of nowhere! I've been told it compares to being in a drunken blackout. It is over by the time you realize what you have done. Going from one thing to the next, throwing away whatever reminds you of something you hate. So pretty much everything in my path was not safe. Things were torn, shredded, dragged away or broken into small bits. One of my latest Architecture studio projects (which I'd been so proud of) I succeeded to destroy.

It started when my psychiatric doctor basically told me he didn't know what to do to help me feel better. I had been having severe psychotic mania with a little bit of depression the past two days. He handed me a DVD on the affects of Clozaril. That being the last step if the 500mgs of Depakote, and 900mgs of Seroquel didn't help. He wants to do it in a hospital setting, I however refused!

I am running out of options, and for him to tell me that was irritating and sad. So his last resort is Clozaril. I of course refused such a thing. There is always another way. There is always another medication. Bipolar Disorder is not the end of the world. Or is it?

To the people who don't have a clue what Bipolar is, I am just some crazy kid acting like a spoiled brat. If only! I could explain being a snot nosed spoiled rotten brat, but to explain something so dark and twisted going on in my head is not so easy. No matter how many times I say stop to myself I keep going, have a difficult time letting it go.

I became so enraged, I didn't know what else to do, I'm so freaking exhausted from all this . The hardest part of having Bipolar is not knowing when the next episode will strike.

I'm going to start taking along with my Bipolar medications, an anti-psychotic medication to help with my anger and irrational thoughts. A part of me doesn't even care about going back to school. I know that's the illness talking though.

Hopefully by this weekend I'll start to feel like myself again. The medications tend to leave me a bit out of it, but I do have an important test that I need to take online tomorrow. Thankfully I don't have a studio tomorrow - it was cancelled.

Sorry if this was depressing - just needed to spill.

posted on Oct 24, 2012 4:21 PM ()


Thanks everyone for your comments and concern. I will be posting an update today - lots has happened. I appreciate everyone's kind words, encouragement, and help.
comment by jaydensblog on Oct 30, 2012 12:29 PM ()
How frustrating... I have friends who are bipolar and it seems so hard to handle sometimes. Hang in there!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 27, 2012 7:32 AM ()
I'm glad you didn't delete us! Big hugs, and best wishes for a better tomorrow. I just read the side effects of that drug, I can see why you don't want to start on it. Here's hoping the prescriptions you are already taking could be adjusted.
comment by troutbend on Oct 25, 2012 2:35 PM ()
Bipoloar disorder can be a big challenge because of the huge swings involved. My mom was diagnosed with it, and she had counseling an prescription to help manage it. I would suspect that you are at a point in your life when it can be more challenging since your chemistry is still very much in flux as you are finishing up with puberty.

I hope the new meds help. Have you considered stopping into mental health services on your campus. Sometimes, major shifts (such as starting college) can be really great experiences, but they come with some stress that we don't necessarily recognize because we are actually pretty happy about what is goign on.
comment by trekbrarian on Oct 25, 2012 10:04 AM ()
Jay,maybe Martin is right.See another doctor and get a second choice.Do feel free to talk about this as this is good for you to vent.I have learned more about this from you.I knew that there was a lot of problems concerning.A lot out there and not sure or what is Bi -polar disorder.
We are here to help and just ask.Good luck.
comment by fredo on Oct 25, 2012 7:39 AM ()
Feel free to talk about this. This is a safe place. Maggiemae is right.
You have made me understand this disorder better than anyone has.
comment by elderjane on Oct 25, 2012 3:12 AM ()
You've just illustrated bi-polar disorder better than I've ever heard it described. I know other sufferers who have been helped by medication but it does take time and patience to get it right. Don't loose heart. If you regret refusing certain treatment while in the midst of an episode, but have since reconsidered, by all means, tell your doctor.
comment by maggiemae on Oct 24, 2012 9:28 PM ()
Jay maybe it is time to see another doctor? Wish I could help but I am always here if you 'just need to spill'.
comment by greatmartin on Oct 24, 2012 4:45 PM ()

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