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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > Boring > 50 Random Facts About Me

50 Random Facts About Me

Skip this if you're not interested :)

1. After my sister was born, my parents tried for 10 years to have another child. They were going to give up, before a small miracle happened....me.

2. When I was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck, cutting off oxygen to my brain.

3. My name was initially going to be Allan after my grandfather, but it was changed to Jayden while at the hospital.

4. I've only known one set of grandparents. Sadly, all the others died before I was born.

5. I am from Polish, German, and Jewish descent.

6. I write with my left hand and throw with my right.

7. I still enjoy playing with Lego sets.

8. Kids love me for some reason. Seriously!

9. Family comes first. Friends second. Always.

10. I rarely chew gum.

11. I loved to climb trees as a kid...until I fell out of one and broke my arm in three places.

12. When I hear a song I like, I can listen to it over and over without tiring of it.

13. I love playing and watching sports of all kinds.

14. My best guy friend is Jay.

15. My best girl friend is Daniella.

16. I've known both of them since Kindergarten.

17. My childhood dog was named Casper - she was a black lab.

18. My childhood cat was named Midnight - she was deaf, all white, and had a pink nose.

19. I prefer to hug than shake a person's hand.

20. I have been told that I am an oblivious flirt. Apparently I do it without realizing it.

21. I sleep with a fan on year-round.

22. The first year of high school my hair was shoulder length. My Dad made me cut it.

23. I am extremely good at keeping secrets.

24. There are personal aspects of my life that I have never discussed with anyone.

25. I am very close to my older sister.

26. I have been ‘smacked’ by my Dad numerous times.

27. I have been drunk.

28. I have never smoked a cigarette.

29. I'm drug free.

30. I was 13 first time I french kissed a girl.

31. I was 15 first time I french kissed a boy....and realized I liked it A LOT.

32. Been on a date with a guy who I later found out was engaged (to a woman).

33. In high school baseball my positions included pitcher, second base, shortstop and all three outfield positions.

34. My blood type is O positive.

35. I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades.

36. I've been told I give great massages.

37. I hate having my feet touched.

38. I watch a ridiculous amount of television series..my current favorite being Dexter.

39. Before bed I will always, without fail, brush my teeth, and wash my face.

40. I always kiss my Mom goodnight.

41. I do not abuse the phrase ‘I love you’. I will say ‘I love you’ but only if I honestly and truly mean it.

42. I'm equally attracted to both athletic and geeky guys.

43. I have yet to meet my ‘Knight in Shining Armour’. When it happens though, I will be sure to tell you all about him ;-)

44. I do not have a tattoo, and don't plan on getting one.

45. I like to make people laugh.

46. I know how to forgive and move on.

47. I am secure enough with my sexuality to not care about what anyone thinks.

48. I've always been able to interact easily with people older than myself. For example, I was swimming at a friend's house and got hit on by one of my mother's friends.

49. The Paranormal amuses me.

50. I'm psyched to think I did it!

posted on Aug 29, 2012 3:16 PM ()


Jayden, I love blogs like this because it gives you an insight into the writer that you'd normally not get. Thank you for sharing
comment by redwolftimes on Aug 30, 2012 5:56 AM ()
Oh good. I didn't want to bore any of you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Have a good Labor Day! Thanks for reading.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 1:20 PM ()
All of those fifty things make you a good blog friend. I enjoy your
posts and always kiss your mother goodnight.
comment by elderjane on Aug 30, 2012 5:00 AM ()
Thank you for reading my posts!
Everyone has been so nice and welcoming to me.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 1:18 PM ()
I only counted 49 items.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 29, 2012 7:04 PM ()
How about this: #50. I believe in the following: bigfoot, Ghosts, ESP, psychic phenomena, Extra-Terrestrial's and ancient beings.
It goes along with #49.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 1:17 PM ()
#7 EVERYBODY enjoys playing with Lego sets.
#8 Me too. It's a curse.
It's so refreshing to find someone your age who writes full sentences, full words and proper capitalization and punctuation.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 29, 2012 5:01 PM ()
Thank you for the compliment about my writing. It doesn't come easy for me; especially punctuation, but spelling I rocked in!
Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 1:08 PM ()
Good for you for being true to who you are. I love it. I like Jayden more than Allan, so your parents did well (if ya ask me)
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 29, 2012 4:53 PM ()
Thank you
My parent's can't take all the credit in naming me. Most of it should go to my sister - she was the one who thought up the name. Apparently there was a boy in her class that she liked who was named Jayden, and decided that should be my name too.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 12:58 PM ()
My husband was almost named Michael Allen, but his aunt gave the name to her first-born a month before he was born, so his mom had to think of a different name. 60 years later, she still brings it up.
comment by troutbend on Aug 29, 2012 4:08 PM ()

60 years is a long time! haha. I can see that happening between sisters though.
I'm just lucky my parents changed their minds.
Have a great Labor Day! Oh and thanks for reading!
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 12:56 PM ()
This is very interesting.I like your wisdom there.I rather hug then shake.But most of the straight friends feels uncomfortable about this.I liked 31 that to me has been so interesting in my in my younger day.I loved it.Hope that someday that you find the person to love.
But for now you are young and just take your time and enjoy life.You have a lot going for you.
Take care and a great Happy Labor Day weekend.Any plans there?
comment by fredo on Aug 29, 2012 4:03 PM ()
I don't really have any plans yet for Labor Day; sort of waiting to see what my friends have in store for us.
Tomorrow I'm going to my sister and her husband's new house to babysit my nephew, but that's about it. Not very exciting.
What about you? Any plans?
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 12:50 PM ()
#19 is interesting as most people will back away when they see a hug coming!! :O)
#47 I always say I don't wear a "I AM GAY" notice around my neck but you will know I am gay because it is an important part of me neither will I stay silent when people tell anti gay jokes or gay slurs.

#14--There you go breaking MY heart!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 29, 2012 3:38 PM ()

I should clarify about the hugging - it's not something I do with everybody, just people close to me (friends, family, etc). I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be doing it with strangers. That would be an interesting experiment - I should try that!
Thanks for reading the list. It was a lot more difficult coming up with 49 things than I thought it would be.
Have a great Labor Day on Monday!
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 1, 2012 12:46 PM ()

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