Canadian Goddess


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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Boring > My Little Corner

My Little Corner

Well, I tried to post that Getting To Know You thingie from AJ earlier this morning, but just as I was about to hit the save post button, it crashed and I lost it all. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be, eh?

But for the record, I have no idea where I want to retire to. I’ve never thought about it. My favorite toy was this huge chalkboard that my parents made for my sister and I one Christmas. It was the size of one wall in our basement play room. And I’m with Don on the favorite candy issue…bilingual chocolate is where it’s at.

My middle name is Kathryn. I wouldn’t tell you my full name without seeing some kind of I.D. The last time I cried was yesterday, after reading MellowDee’s post about her wonderful grandfather. And I almost cried last night.

The last person I spoke to on the phone was the American Boy but I have received a whopping three phone calls this morning…one from a telemarketer, one from my friend, K, who is having an ultrasound later today and one from the school about the two cakes that I agreed to bake and decorate for the Fun Fair in a couple of weeks. I didn’t answer any of the calls.

I’m not sure that milk counts as a food, but if it does, it is by far the food I dislike the most. I have nightmares about people forcing me to drink milk, I kid you not. I don’t have a favorite restaurant but there are a few that I enjoy. The last thing I ate was a bowl of cereal with rice milk on it.

I don’t like diamonds.

I equally don’t like pearls.

Watching sports on TV usually fills me with the overwhelming urge to gouge out my eyes but I do enjoy going to a real baseball game, so go figure. My favorite show is Roseanne. The CD that I am currently listening to is London Calling by the Clash.

If I could anywhere on vacation I have to say, of course, that I’d hit Gloucester to see my American Boy. Beyond that, however, I have a list a mile long of places I want to go and they all revolve around meeting or visiting someone. Like going to BC to see Mel and J. Or heading out Mary elkhound’s way to meet her and that boy of hers. Or jumping in the car or on a plane to finally get one of elfie’s hugs. Not to mention that some day, I am determined to meet Amy to go bowling. And I often think about sitting next to Gwen because I know that both of us could use it.

There’s more but I’m headed for a tangent.

I didn’t even mean to sum up the Getting to Know You thing. Oops.

What I meant to write about is the beautiful day we’re having. I’m going to blog a lot about Spring in the next couple of weeks…probably until summer hits and then I’ll begin complaining about heat. Ha.

You all know how fucking long our winter was. So this spring seems extra, extra special.

This morning, while Michael napped, I sat outside on the front steps. That’s where the sun hits in the morning and I could feel penetrating my skin and it was magnificent. Keep in mind that I couldn’t even access those stairs a month ago.

I sat there, looking out over the brown, matted grass, past the high way and into the fields across from us. And I was reminded of when we first visited this house nearly five years ago. I remember it was August and the smell of fresh cut hay was thick in the air and that was what sold me on this house. I love the smell of hay. Nothing beats it. A warm summer night with all of the windows open and a breeze blowing in the sweetest scent imaginable. I live for nights like those.

I remember the potential I saw in this house. Not that it’s old or run down or anything. I just saw in it the potential to be my own.

And it has, over the years, become my own.

This yard and this house and this little corner of the world.

All my own.

And sitting outside on the porch this morning, listening to the traffic hum alongside the birds chirping away in the trees, scrutinizing the flower beds and the gardens, thinking about what I’d like to do with them this year as I made a mental note to use this afternoon’s wait for the school bus as an opportunity to clean up the garbage and such that has appeared from under the melted snow, I felt so grateful.

Instead of wondering or worrying about what I’m going to do.

Two days from now.

Two weeks from now.

Two months from now.

Two years from now.

I’m going to roll with it.

And smile.

And say thank you.

posted on Apr 17, 2008 8:35 AM ()


So glad you summarized the getting to know you! And I'm jealous about the weather. We are getting snow and rain storms and IT"S SPRING DAMN IT!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 22, 2008 10:31 PM ()
and I often think of sitting in your basement, talking, sipping vodka- both of us with bandanas hiding our wild curls that we don't care to tame
comment by gwensgifts on Apr 17, 2008 8:09 PM ()
That's what I'm talkin about. See you tomorrow!
comment by turftoe331 on Apr 17, 2008 3:16 PM ()
I would love it, love it, love it...if you could come down south I'd give you all the huggin you could stand You post made me smile today, I'm stuck here listening to this guy in my lobby complain...I'd much rather be sitting in the sun talking wtih you..*grins* *hugs and snugs*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 17, 2008 12:22 PM ()
Loved this post!! I so wish I could come for a visit and sit beside alongside you in your lovely little space on this warm Spring day.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 17, 2008 11:37 AM ()
I love how you answered the questions! It is much more interesting when you explain and describe your answers!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 17, 2008 9:25 AM ()
just wait until everything is green and growing! thats the point we are at now and its glorious! I sat out on my back steps yesterday, thats where the sun is the warmest. it felt so delicious!
comment by elkhound on Apr 17, 2008 8:46 AM ()

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