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Life & Events > USA #7

USA #7

In Fort Myers it was quite relaxed. After we received our keys and were settled a bit we went across the street for a nice dinner at Charlie's boathouse (https://www.boathousegrill.net/ ). After a delicious salad bar we had a nice steak, a good glass of wine and that all with a terrific view on a canal.
The next day we had planned a trip to the winter resort of Edison. He and his wife spent their winter vacation here in Ft. Myers for quite some years. A beautiful house and a great garden are open for visitors. Also a visit to the Edison museum was interesting. They showed how an old phonograph worked and a lot of household instruments were shown. Never knew that Edison also invented the toaster and the waffle-maker.
That afternoon we spent some time at the swimming pool.
That night we had made a reservation for a sunset tour on a ship where it also was possible some dolphins would join us. Well ....they indeed joined us. A great view it was seeing the dolphins following our bout while they jumped out of the water regular. It was my birthday and I must admit it was a birthday I wont forget soon lol.
The next day a trip to the everglades was scheduled. It was a nice route and we were surprised that suddenly on a road where we were the only ones driving there, suddenly a flashing light appeared with a sign telling us that it could be possible panthers could cross ..... Never knew there even were panthers in Florida.
Once arrived we had an excursion on an airboat where we met some nice alligators. Not much, cause the temp already was quite high and the alligators prefer to rest in cooler places in stead of the full sun.
Afterwards us was told that a nice walking tour was possible to experience the nature, but when we arrived there and started walking all kind of signs made us a bit afraid. Attention: black bears here, Beware of panthers, watch out for alligators........ and when we also heard all kind of weird noises we decided to leave to the car again.
The final day in Ft. Myers was (as planned) a "beach-day". It was a resting day and I must admit I really enjoyed it, cause after all we already were quite busy last 3 weeks.

posted on Sept 6, 2010 7:10 AM ()


We've got bears and mountain lions up here, and I know how you feel - not frightened, exactly, but it's something that sits in your mind. By the way, I'm reading a Janwillem van de Wetering mystery right now, one of my favorite authors.
comment by troutbend on Sept 6, 2010 5:42 PM ()
Nice to hear even in the USA van der Wetering is read..... Dont know if available in the USA but when it is ...try Baantjer a former Amsterdam police-inspector who wrote a lot of crime-books
reply by itsjustme on Sept 7, 2010 3:29 AM ()
Our panther population is an endangered species
If you didn't take pictures of the Everglades tour I can send you some--I once took visitors (Alfredo & Mike? Or was it Chuck and Terry?) and still have the pictures
Certainly can't say the Dutch tourists are brave--scared because of a few bears, alligators and/or panthers might eat them!?
comment by greatmartin on Sept 6, 2010 9:54 AM ()
i have pics of it Martin and.... i am not a scary guy btw lol
reply by itsjustme on Sept 6, 2010 10:30 AM ()
In Fort Meyers you were very close to a couple of our MyBloggers members!
comment by jondude on Sept 6, 2010 7:46 AM ()
really liked it there
reply by itsjustme on Sept 6, 2010 10:31 AM ()
Happy Birthday to you! "It was my birthday and I must admit it was a birthday I wont forget soon lol."
comment by anacoana on Sept 6, 2010 7:19 AM ()

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