Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > A ' Watchin' the Playoffs

A ' Watchin' the Playoffs

Good Sunday, Blog Pals:
      Well, ya know I'm bored now when I watch football playoffs.  As I write this the "Pack" has just clenched a Superbowl and Pittsburg is beating the Jets.  I really don't care for any of these teams since my Saints crapped out(this color font is as close as I could get to Saints gold)and the late Mr. Bugg's Redskins never had a prayer.  But I flipped a coin on the Bears/GB game and it came up Bears so I cheered for them. I'm rooting for the Steelers on this other game because the Jets coach is a big perv, according to recent Youtube clips.  As you can see, I use logic, thorough study and scientific methods to choose my teams.
       Tuesday I go to the doctor for a long avoided pap smear. I'd rather have root canal with no anesthetic.  It's not fun, but if I get it over with mebee they will stop pestering me about getting one for a year or so. Sheesh. But its a necessary evil I guess.
       Otherwise, all is the same here in Cow Snot.  Cold, windy, and three months til Spring.  But its about a month til Spring Training starts...yay.

Have a good week, everyone.
yer "I can be center field" pal

posted on Jan 23, 2011 5:24 PM ()


Never watch sports and barely know the difference between a touchdown and a home run. Netflix saves me when nothing is on that I care to watch.
comment by dragonflyby on Feb 3, 2011 4:44 PM ()
Pretty soon it will be time for baseball.
comment by elderjane on Jan 27, 2011 5:34 AM ()
yep, I can't wait...I do love it so.

yer Go Dodgers pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 28, 2011 2:42 AM ()
Didn't you have a good book? Dear one, it was hard for old old me to read your yellow "letter". It came across very dim on my log in. Have a good week and stay warm. Nena
comment by nenah on Jan 26, 2011 7:54 AM ()
yeah, I do have books and I have been reading more lately. My attention span is not what it was though and I am more easily distracted. From many responses I gather the gold font was too bright so I'll 86 that color from my pallet.

yer it hurts my eyes too pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 26, 2011 4:33 PM ()
Glad that the Jets lost.Cannot stand the rude coach there.
Mr.Ryan.Yes,my team lost in the play off to these guys.
They were very trashing.
comment by fredo on Jan 24, 2011 8:56 AM ()
what ever happened to humble sports stars who just played well and let it go? Gone the way of the pay phone and the tv antenna I guess.

yer missing the good old days pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 26, 2011 4:23 PM ()
I was for the '-er' teams, so am happy with who won. We liked it last week when Shannon Sharpe said it was a bad weekend for the birds, because all the bird teams lost. I loved the TD by Packers No. 90, "The Freezer," it brought back memories of Refrigerator Perry. I don't care for Jay Cutler because he was a big lump at Denver, but then when he moved to Chicago he lost weight and acted like he gave a hoot about how well he played. I feel like today he decided the team was having an off day, so opted to sit it out. The QB that finished the game for the Bears went to our alma mater in Fort Collins, so it was fun to see him do well.
comment by troutbend on Jan 23, 2011 7:22 PM ()
I'll be rooting for the Stealers. I like Troy Palomalo and Hines Ward even though I think Rothlesburger is and overrated, whiney, weak a-- punk. Go Stealers.

yer "don't hold back, bugg. tell us how you really feel" pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 26, 2011 4:21 PM ()
Saints Gold is horrible. I had to highlight that business to read it. GO PACK GO! AND did you know the Redskins beat both the bears and the Packers? I HATE the girly doctor with all my heart, but supposedly they do their job to help, I do not get it, so good luck.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 23, 2011 5:35 PM ()
yep the consensus is that the gold is too bright. I'll use a milder color next time. yes, the 'Skins did beat both those teams...but hardly anyone else

yer wait'll next year pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 26, 2011 4:36 PM ()
I have two brothers. One lives in Pittsburgh, the other in Chicago. We were hoping for a Steelers-Bears Super Bowl with elaborate side bets, but alas, the Bears ran out of time and quarterbacks. Darnitallanyway.
comment by marta on Jan 23, 2011 5:34 PM ()
they should have brought that last guy on in the first place.

yer he was the best of the lot pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 23, 2011 8:09 PM ()
That's pretty hard for these old eyes to read!!!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 23, 2011 5:32 PM ()
yeah, that is a little bright, huh?

yer duely noted pal
reply by honeybugg on Jan 23, 2011 8:08 PM ()

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