Good Evening, Blog Pals:
Yes, here it is midnight (eastern time) and I am up, unable to sleep for a couple of reasons. First, the new tenent upstairs is making noise. Cletus and Maybelleen have rented the vacant apartment above me to a mental patient. I am not making that up...he really is a mental patient. He was just turned out of the basket hatchery a few months ago and now they are trying him on independant living. Well, it aint working, ladies and germs. This guy is so far out there, he needs a space suit to breath. He's been here almost two weeks and he's manage to annoy every other tenent in the building to where they have all complained. He's kept me awake most nights with his stomping and yelling and loud tv/radio. Last night he had a pal over and they were up all night....I mean literally all night shooting the shit at the top of their lungs. Needless to say, I got no sleep. And me fresh out of the hospital. Maybelleen sez she's just about had it and is within a gnat's pubic hair of kicking him out. I hope to God she does so I can get some rest. The thing is, she knew he was unbalanced but she rented to him anyway. What does this say about her judgement? I spoke to the nutbar briefly the other day and the guy can't hold a thought or carry on a sensible conversation. For the first time I feel uneasy about my safety. I do hope he's outa here soon. He needs to go back to the rubber room...for his own sake as well as others. I find myself wondering who Cletus and Maybelleen will rent to next. A serial killer? Their standards have obviously taken a nosedive. When I first applied, they told me they were running a backround check on me. Guess being a somewhat sane, quiet, law abiding, ideal tenent doens't count for as much as it used to.
The other thing that is blowing on the windmills of my mind and keeping me awake is that I have been presented with an opportunity. Crazy Sis and Mama have all but decided to pack up and move out to Cow Snot Wyoming. They miss the babies and want to be near them. The whole fam damily will be there but me. Brother Bubba and his wife Suffering have a spare bedroom and have offered it to me until I can get into a senior housing situation, which is what I've been wanting to do. It will mean moving across country to an entirely new location. I don't know if I'm physically up for this, but I must admit, the sense of adventure is calling me on. A new start. A new opportunity. And I get to be with the babies again. Not to mention Brody/Buddy who now lives with Bubba and Suffering and their two other dogs because Jethrene's place doesn't allow pets. But Daisy May and Jethro visit often and its just like it always was. I have to make a decision soon as I have to begin to scrape up the money to move, which I don't have to tell many of you is costly. I have consulted with friends and they all say go fer it. In all honesty, there is nothing here in Devil's Asshole to hold me. Except Mr. Bugg. He's buried here and if I left, it would mean saying goodbye all over again. Although I'm sure if he were alive, he'd say "let's do it" in a heartbeat. There are a lot of plusses to this plan and few minuses. Cow Snot has clean air, wide open spaces, and a decent economy. Suffering sez there are 5 senior living establishments to choose from. Not to mention 2 Walmarts and a Tarshay. Devil's Asshole has......hmmmm.......(bugg draws a blank). Well, we shall see. Its a life altering choice and I don't want to make it without much careful concideration. What do y'all think? Should I? I'd really value y'all's input.
yer thinking seriously pal