Good Wednesday, Blog Pals:
Well tonight is the last of the presidential debates, thank goodness. I intend to watch of course. As a student of history, I find this election cycle one of the most interesting in many years. Now's the time for both candidates to make their last pitches to bambooz.....I mean convince the American voters to cast their ballots for them. I try to keep and open mind and rely on a variety of news scources for information. I watch MSNBC, which is in the tank for Obama, FoxNews which has a hard-on for McCain("fair and balanced", my ass) so I just sift out the facts and wonder what ever happened to professional journalists who just reported the news and kept their personal feelings to themselves. From all I can gather, Mr. Obama is pulling ahead. Many states that were once toss up states or leaning McCain are now leaning Obama. I just saw where Virginia and Colorado, once solid red states are now edging toward Obama. If you count all the states that are either solidly or leaning toward Obama he has more than enough electoral votes to win. Interesting. I'll bet there is not a dry eye at MSNBC...nor a dry seat at FoxNews.
Well, no matter who wins this, with the economy in the crapper, unemployment headed toward Uranis(hee hee hee... get it? "yer anus"? hee hee hee) the weakend dollar, Social Security woes, and all the other stuff that's wrong, whoever gets elected will stuck with a big ol' shitburger to eat. You'd have to be a complete psycho to want that job.
yer nutty as a fruitcake(VOTE FER BUGG) pal