Good Friday Evening, MyBloggerstown:
Well, its time once again for the football game that everyone in town has been waiting all season for. Yes, friends, tonight is the night that crosstown rivals Devil's Asshole High(my alma mater) and Devil's Asshole South High(scumbag central) hold their traditional joust for town bragging rights. The DAH Fighting Algae and the DASH Thundering Chipmunks both have had less than winning seasons this year so it should be an evenly matched contest. It should be interesting and its a fine night for football. They interviewed both coaches on the local sports and both were optimistic if not terribly original.
Coach George "Whizzer" Jockitch, DAH head coach: "Wall, we jes gotta git in thar an' keep our heads in the game.
Coach Leroy "Buddy" Butthead, DASH head coach: " Dis hur's an impo'tent game and we jes need to stay focused."
If I were about (mumble mumble)years younger I would be right there but as I've matured,somehow the idear of sitting on hard bleachers agrevating my hemmrhoids, getting splinters in my ass and catching my death in the night air only to watch the Algae probably loose just doesn't appeal the way it used to. So, I'll stay home and watch the taped highlights on the news at eleven.
have a good long weekend everyone
yer knowing my limitations pal