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Life & Events > For Strider333-kiss My %$#

For Strider333-kiss My %$#

This is a trans formative election...America will never be the same...with the new "We" generation going for Obama 2 to 1 and them becoming the dominant force in 2016 finally displacing the baby boomers...we're in for some dramatic changes in years to the Republican Party lays shattered, this huge majority bodes ill tidings for them...they are energized and involved and seemed determined to save themselves...I guess they want to clean up after the baby boomers who up to now, seemed to have screwed things up?

This was a comment posted by strider333 on teal’s blog. And I want him to know that I have taken offense.

I am a baby boomer. And I and many like me are the reason you have what you do.

I marched in Milwaukee for open housing in the 60’s with a man named Father Groppi, you should know the name, and it is because of people like him and boomers like me that Mr. Obama has the chance he has now.

It is this Republican administration that has had more minorities in positions of real power than any other.

Oh by the way Bill and Hillary are baby boomers.

We have fought wars for our freedom; we have fought the cold war and won.

We have fought for civil rights.

We have fought for equal opportunity and against oppression.

We (not you) have led this country to be the greatest power on earth.

Did I mention Bill Gates is a baby boomer.

Baby boomers are an age group born from 1946 to 1964. That makes Mr. Obama a baby boomer. I guess that makes you an ass. He was born in 1961.

You my boy have no idea what we boomers have done. We have not been perfect, but we are giving your generation something a lot better than what we got.

So while you are patting yourself on the back-you and yours are not heroes yet. You have too many miles to go. You haven’t done anything yet, except live off us.

Oh by the way you can kiss my BABY BOOMER ASS.

posted on Nov 6, 2008 1:13 AM ()


I wrote in my newsletter this month--Everyone is useful,
even if it is to set a bad example.
comment by larryb on Nov 11, 2008 11:05 AM ()
i have an idea y don't we all just get along. you know that is y alot of us moved from blogster
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 10, 2008 8:03 PM ()
Suck eachothers dicks (Grumpy and Strider) and call it even! Truth is, both Republicans and Democrats want good. We just look at it different. Republicans think "Help the rich, it will trickle to the poor".. Democrats think opposite. But some how we really all want the same for most. I think.. kinda... (damn, I must go think this.. grrr)....
comment by coincutter on Nov 9, 2008 7:44 PM ()
This is the second reason I had to get outta town for a few days!
comment by mzscarlett on Nov 8, 2008 4:14 PM ()
I'm a BABY Boomer and I'm proud of it..
comment by carrryon on Nov 7, 2008 7:28 PM ()
Well, I was born in 1943. That puts me somewhere between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers. I think each generation has paid its price to keep our nation free. I don't exactly know what the point of contention is here; but both you guys have a lot to bring to the table, so I hope you can put this behind you and we can all move forward as friends.
comment by redimpala on Nov 6, 2008 3:46 PM ()
I'm a Boomer and proud of it -- I think!
comment by teacherwoman on Nov 6, 2008 3:37 PM ()
Well Grumpy, I am a baby boomer, and hey, raised in Milwaukee. And by the way, Spoke with Father Groppi many times. He did become a bus driver and my wife also spoke with him many times. I was drafted into the U.S. Army and served honorably for two years. My bother was also in the Air Cav, and during his time served, endured the Tet Offensive. I watched in shock in 1968 as Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated. I was part of that era that changed everything forever and watched hope fade after these two great leaders were taken from us.

I suspected someone would take that wrong. However, currently, as I was reminded by my nieces and nephews that today we have incredible problems left to them. From a one trillion dollar deficit when Reagan took office, to a 10 trillion dollar debt, a record deficit this year of over 4580 billion dollars, 2 wars, a bankrupt financial system, a spiraling economy, an energy problem with no policy, the ending term of the worst president in history and global warming that doesn't seem to have the gravity of attention needed for the future of this generation. These are the things they remind me of, and certainly not of the great strides made in the 60's that also forever changed the world. And I can't deny to them, that these are compelling problems to the level of economic and survival for them in the future.

I left a lot of brothers and friends in those steamy jungles of Nam...and there isn't a day that goes by it seems when I'm reminded by those I see they left behind that they never will see the gray hair, children that they could have watched grow or grandchildren to live out their golden years.

I'm not as old or as grumpy as you...but I'm proud of what the baby boomer generation did in the past, and now we have to help secure the future for them. I should have clarified where those comments came from, so yes, I am not diminishing my generation, but this generation and my nieces and nephews are incredibly politically active and raising questions of where we're at today and are deeply concerned about their future and so am I.
comment by strider333 on Nov 6, 2008 2:42 PM ()
I 100% agree with you man - I been to Nam,Laos, Thailand, Cambodia,Grenada, The Falklands,Panama, and lots of other missions in South and Central America. Why? So uneducated brain-dead Dem-Libs could spout their insanity? Yes, unfortunately. That is what this country has become.One-sided, biased,and mostly dishonest information disseminated daily from the so-called media, who are in reality just democrat party worker propogandists.
comment by oldfatguy on Nov 6, 2008 2:26 PM ()
"BS is BS" That would make a good bumper sticker. Sadly, we are already being "written off" and we ain't even dead yet. My daughter explained to me one day how she and her husband knew more about child raising and how much better educated they are than myself and her dad. Well... if that kid would have had her way, she wouldn't have gone to college. But, her dad and I never gave her a choice. What she fails to realize is that we gave her life!!!!!
comment by anniel on Nov 6, 2008 12:20 PM ()
Wow!that is a wonderful post there.
So,what kind of baby boomer am I
Grumpy,do want to say that you write so well.I envy you.
comment by fredo on Nov 6, 2008 10:01 AM ()
Grumpy my friend I stand with, very proud to be a boomer(1958)
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 6, 2008 9:57 AM ()
Oh Grumpy... I like Strider. Did ya see he left it off with a question mark?
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 6, 2008 6:09 AM ()
DaddDY say: "The eLEkshun is over. The voters have SPOken. Fahgedaboutit."
comment by hobbie on Nov 6, 2008 6:04 AM ()
Cool it Baby. As a member of the Greatest Generation, I say let us all settle down and unite behind our new President. There is good in everyone, no matter how divided our opinions are. The kids who are coming out into the world now fascinate me. They will rise to the challenge, they always do.
comment by elderjane on Nov 6, 2008 4:38 AM ()
Well said Grumpy, Boomers rank only behind the Greatest Generation, the WWII era generation. There was real sacrifice and dedication.
Some people who have never had to put up or shut up, should consider shutting up!
comment by saito56 on Nov 6, 2008 4:26 AM ()

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