to the good--Allen and I had lunch at the Old Heidelberg, a German
restaurant that has been around for years, and that we had been to
before. I had to say we are stuck in a rut but when I came home I
checked out my review of it the last time we were there and Allen had
the roast pork plate and I had the mixed sausage platter. Guess what we
had this time? Yep, the same thing and it was just as good.
who knows me know I will eat anything. I have never had a 'bad' pizza
even frozen and talk about frozen I have never had a Sara Lee cake
defrosted. I never say no to food even food I don't like but tonight I
met the food that not only I can say no to but I didn't even pawn it off
to an unlikely suspect and threw it out--not that unbelievable but
what is even more unbelievable is that I didn't dig in the garbage to
get it out and eat it later!! (Yeah, yeah, I know you have never done
was suppose to be tofu that tasted like turkey--I am a gentleman or I
would tell you what it tasted like! What was worse was the 'stuffing'
which was like eating glue and, if possible, what was worse than that
was the gravy which tasted like pure salt.