Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Questions, Answers, Statements and Such

Questions, Answers, Statements and Such

This young lady needs all the encouragement we can give her--she is
representing the USA in the volley ball Olympics--give her a good word!
  OR   I think you may have to register but you don't have to write blogs! LOL    


2) Has any Republican (besides winning) and/or christian ever written a positive post?


On Saturday, July 21, it will have been 4 years since I stopped
smoking--I had my last cigarette just before I was wheeled in for my
aorta valve replacement operation--I am still surprised at how easy it
has been and second hand smoke doesn't bother  me at all--I spent over
60 years smoking 2-3 packs a day and never once attempted to give it up!


I have become a fan of "Undercover Boss" on TV--always makes me tear up
at the end when the boss starts doing things for the employees--Am I a softie? :O)


Why I hate to do housework!!! I send my socks to the cleaners so it was
a big deal on Saturday when I decided to polish the furniture--it
wasn't until I got to the 3rd piece of furniture that I realized I was
using oven cleaner not furniture polish!! In my defense the cans looked
alike--I am proud of myself though--I did clean the oven!!


6) I keep on hearing/reading about a screen shot--how do you take one? Why?


7) Come
on--at my age do you really think I care if you don't like me or
criticize me? Or will affect me one way or the other? Ironically I have
found out that it is mainly Republicans, christians (small c), drunkards, closeted gays and lonely, old people who do it!


8) What's worse--having a child who doesn't care or not having a child at all?


I wish I had taken a video--or had someone taking it--while I was
wrapping a package to mail out! I used so much tape--a lot around/on my
hands. I looked like I was going to greet my lover dressed in saran


We 'lost' a member of our Breezeway crowd. Right now it looks like she
might not coming back. If you know of anyone who lives alone check on
them twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, no matter how annoyed
they may get. She had fallen in her bathroom at night and had not been
found (or heard her calling for help in a weak voice) until the next


Why are we having a Democrat and Republican convention? We know who is
running and all they will be doing is spending millions of dollars that
could be put to better use. It is bad enough all the money the two
candidates are spending on advertising why add something so unnecessary.


Someone wrote about travelling around the States and all I could think
of is why did I only go to 49 States? Why did I never get to North Dakota???


posted on July 18, 2012 6:09 PM ()


I like Undercover Boss and Secret Millionaire because they are positive shows. Not like WipeOut or Survivor where people are mean or get hurt for entertainment. By the by, the Millionaire from two weeks ago lives in my town. I didn't know we had rich people here or such big houses. Not in my neighborhood, anyway. He was sent to a really rough area in Chicago. Lots of shootings there this summer. I think it was filmed last year when it wasn't so bad there.
comment by boots586 on July 19, 2012 3:11 PM ()
On Millionaire, a millionaire is taken to a poor area where he finds several charities where he can volunteer for a week. The charities do not know he is rich. Then at the end of the week he reveals his status and gives them a check from his own money to help their cause. They get money, he gets to help a worthy cause,and we all feel good. He probably gets a tax exemption, though.
reply by boots586 on July 20, 2012 1:38 PM ()
I can't stand Wipeout!!! Never saw Millionaire--sounds like Queen for a Day
reply by greatmartin on July 19, 2012 3:15 PM ()
Martin....are my posts not positive enough for you? I'm Republican and Christian!!!
comment by jerms on July 19, 2012 2:39 PM ()
A little off the subject, but the only comments the Democrats and "non-religious" make on here about Republicans and the religious are ALL derogatory and negative. I guess I just don't understand why you hold Republicans and Christians to a standard to which you do not hold the rest of the blogging community. There's NEVER a kind word about us on here. I'm not arguing with you and I'm certainly not frustrated. I'm just wondering what sparked your observation.
reply by jerms on July 19, 2012 3:31 PM ()
Yes I know you are but when was the last time you posted a positive post about Republicans or Christians without putting another group or person down? When was the last time you wrote anything positive about democrats or are they all &^%$#&)(_)+_?
reply by greatmartin on July 19, 2012 3:13 PM ()
Additionally, there are a lot of negative posts by Democrats of little or no religious inclination. I don't think there is such a great distinction, at least not on MyBloggers. I KNOW on that other site there's a lot of bickering and fighting, but I don't even bother going over there. I get along fairly well with all my liberal friends here.
reply by jerms on July 19, 2012 2:41 PM ()
It does seem that Republicans write a lot of negative posts. I once commented to one of them that I would hate to be as angry as they seem to be.
I once heard or read, can't recall which, a gentleman stating that he never dusts because then he wouldn't know where to set something if he removed and used it.
comment by timetraveler on July 19, 2012 12:50 PM ()
I am always amazed what a boss can't do in their own business!!! I look at the few who do get something as their getting a bonus and recognition--and the men always cry!!!
Well it looks like the oven cleaner didn't ruin the furniture and did clean the oven--that's it as far as housework goes for the next 10 years!
comment by greatmartin on July 19, 2012 8:33 AM ()
I got tired of Undercover Boss because when I was watching it, they'd pick one or two employees and pay off their mortgage or something, but what about all the other employees in similar or worse bad situations? It's nice that the bosses went slumming, but I wish they'd benefitted more of the employees.

I use screen shots (or my computer screen) to capture Google Maps Street View because that's the only way to do it. Most pictures on the Internet I can drag to my iPhoto app to save them to my computer.

Oven cleaner isn't the toxic corrosive that people think, it's excellent for cleaning mybloggers or nicotine-encrusted painted surfaces. Using it on furniture probably removed old layers of waxy buildup.

I had forgotten there would be political conventions this year. I agree: huge, huge waste of money and time.
comment by troutbend on July 19, 2012 7:09 AM ()

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