treat stix not to forget the batch of veggie mix (brown rice, corn,
carrots, peas, etc.) I make every month I would say my birds are pretty
well fed--as are a few of the visiting birds that come to my place. We
aren't suppose to feed the 'wild' birds but if you won't say anything I
We do get wild parrots who visit
every day but they have been visiting other trees besides the ones in
front of my building so I couldn't get any pictures of them but here
are a few of my daily visitors!!
for me to serve them! Those are my windows on the right and you can see
the ledge below the a/c outlet where I put the food for them.

One of the many ring neck doves we have here

Egrets get hungry, too

We, also, get cardinals, blue jays and woodpeckers--hope to get pictures of them!!!