I was never shy of the camera have have pictures of myself fat, thin, in a Dashiki with an Afro, wearing see though shirts and trousers, in bathing suits and, yes, I admit, even in the nude!! :O)
I have pictures of places, people and events--many with men and women I have met along the way.
My biggest mistake was not writing all the information on the back of the picture--date it was taken, where it was taken, names (I look at pictures of myself with other people and I don't remember their names and, in some cases, who they even were!!)and the occasion.
I don't know if that is all possible with digital pictures or how long they will last--I know some of my pictures were taken 70 years ago and, except for the clothes and hairstyles worn, they look like they were taken yesterday. (For the old timers here--many. many of the older pictures were taken with the Kodak brownie camera!!!)
Records, diaries, pictures don't take that much time out of a day but they will bring back many memories, good and bad (and the bad won't seem that bad in later years)and you will have a record of your life--priceless!!
This picture was taken in 1944--from the left: me, my mother and brother with my father in the back--I know it was at the time of my brother's Bar Mitzvah but where I have no idea.