Vantage Point is a short (90 minutes), fast (great cinematic car chase) and furious (I lost the count of how many people were killed in the last half hour) and certainly wouldn't stand up to close scrutiny.
It's what would be called a popcorn summer movie only it is showing in the month of February. It's the type of movie that you sit back, enjoy and then forget.
The basic story is there is a attempt to assassinate the US President when he is in Spain and the scene is seen from 6 different points of people there. Though done before (Roshomon anyone??)there is groaning in the theatre by the time the 4th view is printed on the screen via the time line.
The professional cast isn't called on to do anything beyond playing their stereotyped roles. And the chase, while exciting,really calls for suspending a lot of belief!! Dennis Quaid gets knocked around in, and with, his car and yet steps out of it and just keeps running. Forest Whitaker, though thinned down, is still fat and runs without a sweat all over the place getting from here to there in record time. Another character jumps from a building without a scratch or breaking a leg or even his ankle.
Matthew Fox, from Lost, does a good job but his face never changes no matter the situation while Sigourney Weaver (a favorite of mine) is given a role that is too brief and not really worthy of her. William Hurt, as the President, is very presidential, nothing less, nothing more.
Should you want to get your mind off the economy, the election and other pressing matters than spend 90 minutes watching Vantage Point of escapism.