am a firm believer in Karma as I have seen it work in many ways over
the years. I have seen people who are nasty skid off the road in a
snowstorm while other sailed by them. I have seen good people give of
themselves only to be rewarded in ways they never thought of happening.
Yes what goes round comes round which is why I have spent a lot of this
decade--hey, that's 13 years---doing/being good. Okay I am still trying
to figure out why the troubles with my legs the past 2 weeks or why
someone stole a gift of a carrot cake that was sent to me. The latter
was supposedly left with a neighbor and if they need the cake that badly
I guess it can be considered doing a good thing (but I keep on hoping
someone will knock on my door with the cake!) And though I did get my
turkey back and have had 5 meals from it without getting food poisoning
as someone said (hoped?) I would get , I still don't know what I did bad to havethe bird disappear! Karma does catch up with you.
morning there was a knock on my door and I was given a box sent by
Alfredo and Michael from Zest of Memphis my favorite 'sweet' mail order
house--take a look at their page zestofmemphis.com and start to
salivate!. In the box were carrot cake bars, white truffle chocolate
bars and salted brownies--what a way to start the morning! And, of
course, I ended last night with Shirley's 'gift'--more about that
another day.
week I got a gift certificate to one of my favorite restaurants---The
Cheesecake Factory--which I haven't been able to afford. When we sat
down we were handed two menus: it's not bad enough their regular menu
offers too many items to choose from they need a second one? In any case
we put it aside as it said something about being 'thinlicious'--I don't
know about you but I don't go to The Cheesecake Factory to get thin!!!
(Though I ashamedly admit I didn't have any cheesecake!!!)
then there is my amazing Christmas cactus plant that I have had a few
years. It once again is in bloom this year having only missed 2011 BUT
it did bloom in time for my Leap Birthday February 29, 2012--that was
have been a good boy--well, a few lapses--in 2013 so I am waiting for
Santa, in the guise of karma, to bring me a very, merry, happy holiday.
If he doesn't visit you maybe it is time to get your act
together---never too late!! (Whether you believe in Santa or not---I
do---there is always karma!)