Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Good Things Happen to Good People! Karma!

Good Things Happen to Good People! Karma!

am a firm believer in Karma as I have seen it work in many ways over
the years. I have seen people who are nasty skid off the road in a
snowstorm while other sailed by them. I have seen good people give of
themselves only to be rewarded in ways they never thought of happening.
Yes what goes round comes round which is why I have spent a lot of this
decade--hey, that's 13 years---doing/being good. Okay I am still trying
to figure out why the troubles with my legs the past 2 weeks or why
someone stole a gift of a carrot cake that was sent to me. The latter
was supposedly left with a neighbor and if they need the cake that badly
I guess it can be considered doing a good thing (but I keep on hoping
someone will knock on my door with the cake!) And though I did get my
turkey back and have had 5 meals from it without getting food poisoning
as someone said (hoped?) I would get
, I still don't know what I did bad to havethe bird disappear! Karma does catch up with you.

morning there was a knock on my door and I was given a box sent by
Alfredo and Michael from Zest of Memphis my favorite 'sweet' mail order
house--take a look at their page and start to
salivate!. In the box were carrot cake bars, white truffle chocolate
bars and salted brownies--what a way to start the morning! And, of
course, I ended last night with Shirley's 'gift'--more about that
another day.

week I got a gift certificate to one of my favorite restaurants---The
Cheesecake Factory--which I haven't been able to afford. When we sat
down we were handed two menus: it's not bad enough their regular menu
offers too many items to choose from they need a second one? In any case
we put it aside as it said something about being 'thinlicious'--I don't
know about you but I don't go to The Cheesecake Factory to get thin!!!
(Though I ashamedly admit I didn't have any cheesecake!!!)

then there is my amazing Christmas cactus plant that I have had a few
years. It once again is in bloom this year having only missed 2011 BUT
it did bloom in time for my Leap Birthday February 29, 2012--that was

have been a good boy--well, a few lapses--in 2013 so I am waiting for
Santa, in the guise of karma, to bring me a very, merry, happy holiday.
If he doesn't visit you maybe it is time to get your act
together---never too late!! (Whether you believe in Santa or not---I
do---there is always karma!)

posted on Dec 18, 2013 5:45 PM ()


Looks like I haven't been keeping up. I missed the part about the stolen turkey.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 19, 2013 8:09 AM ()
May not be you--seems I can only post EVERY OTHER DAY HERE---very weird!!!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 19, 2013 8:17 AM ()
sounds like a children tale.The Turkey and the carrot cake.Hm.not to well together.
Strange things alway happening around the season.People hands get itchy and do you think that they realized that it was the carrot cake or something up.
Carrot and the turkey ate it gobble gobble,gobble.(trying to set a bit of humor)what can I say.
Glad that package arrived the door.
comment by fredo on Dec 19, 2013 7:57 AM ()
Hope that carrot cake does finally turn up. Maybe they thought 'just a wee bite' and then took another and another and it was gone.
comment by troutbend on Dec 18, 2013 9:31 PM ()
Nope--I've given up on ever getting it!!!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 19, 2013 7:18 AM ()

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