since I was in my 30s in the 70s--they are lessons I learned while in
Transactional Analysis that helped me get through a lot of tough times in my
1. Use the word won't instead of can't
2. Eliminate the word try and then it becomes a positive sentence
3. Never say never
4. When you worry you are spending time in the future and when you feel
guilty you are spending time in the past--when you do either you aren't dealing
with the here and now
5. First thing in the morning, before you do anything, look in the mirror and
say out loud, using YOUR name, "Martin, you are okay."
These simple lessons will turn your life around, all for the better!

Season 1988 when I was a waiter at the Holiday Inn on State Road 7 just North of
Commercial--was it really 20 years ago????