I love to eat out, but can only afford to do it 2-3 times a week
usually with 2-4-1 coupons, so I always look forward to friends visiting
as I know we will be eating in restaurants as long as they are here.
Terry and Chuck came to visit from Memphis and we went to a few of my
favorite places. If you gain weight from looking at pictures skip this

first night we went to Big Louie's. I had been a server there for a few
years before I retired and it is one of the few restaurants that I have
ever worked in that I went back to eat after I left. It is a favorite
of Terry's and for the past few years I have 'sacrificed' myself and ate
a few garlic roles when I have been there just for him! Sad to say it
was a little disappointing this time, especially the garlic rolls not
being as soft and as good as they had been in the past. Also, Terry
thought the sauce on his stuffed shells was too bland.
(Allen, Chuck, Terry and me) went to the Quarterdeck the following
evening for their 12 ounce prime rib special, with a side, for $7.99 and
to visit Santa!
they came back from Key West we met Chuck's friend Javier at the Lotus
Kitchen where we had had dinner the last time we saw him. In the 31
years I have lived in Fort Lauderdale I have been to the Lotus Kitchen 3
times, twice because Javier wanted to eat there, and all 3 times I
didn't like it though it is a popular restaurant in the area. When you
come down here I promise not to take you there! That's Javier in the
orange shirt--he went line dancing after dinner!
Christmas Eve, after Allen and I had seen "How Do You Know"-- hey,
Christmas Eve or not is was Friday and that is movie day!--and the 4 of
us went to the Peter Pan Diner which is open 24/7 all year round since
it opened in 1978. We had the Early-Bird dinner--this is Florida and if
you go into a restaurant after 3 PM, especially a diner, that is what is
offered. It comes with soup or salad, a main course, a side dish,
dessert and beverage. The new waitress really went out of her way to
please--don't know whether it was because she was new, it was Christmas
Eve and she expected a big tip or we just looked like 4 hot guys!!!
Sunday afternoon we drove up to Rita's Ice and Custard shop which Terry
and Chuck were familiar with, and loved, from Memphis where they serve
variations of Italian ices, Gelato and/or custard. I must admit it was
excellent and I did get brain freeze but at least it showed I had a
had dessert it was decided that I would take the guys out to show them
Allen's place and then go to Cheddar's a couple of blocks away from his
condo for a bite. It being Christmas week there were a lot of families
with, obviously, the grandchildren visiting.
This is among my favorite restaurants and they didn't disappoint.
By the way did I mention that the guys made Christmas dinner at my place? If not look at the blog I posted yesterday.
and Chuck will be coming--yes you will guys!!!--back for my 19th Leap
Year birthday February 29, 2012 and by then I will have more restaurants
for them to visit. Until then guess what I will be doing? Yes, I will
be visiting the stationary bicycle every day in the breezeway!!!
It is said, "THE BEST REVENGE IS LIVING WELL AND HAVING GOOD FRIENDS" --there is no doubt I do the first and have the second with the latter helping me do the former!