and during the election there was a lot of talk by Tea Partiers,
Republicans, Independents and Democrats--since the election zero,nada,
nothing, zilch! Shouldn't this be near the top of the agenda of the new
Congress? Or am I naive enough to think they would never give themselves
term limits?
Don't 'We the People' run
the government or, at the least, elect people to represent 'We the
People'? I would be the first to say that I am not savvy enough about
politics to lead a movement regarding term limits but from the way
people rant and rave in their blogs against others and they 'warn'
politicians you would think they would DO something except write blogs
about what's wrong. Are people ready to vote against politicians in
their own party? They are ready to vilify Representatives of the House
and the Senate of other parties so why not use their voice to get a
House and Senate to represent them?
of what I have learned about politics has come from 3 bloggers, each
from a different 'party' but now it seems two have 'disappeared' and I
am not learning anything from the screamers left behind.
what I am asking in this post is for those of you who write blog after
blog, day after day, ranting and raving about politicians to show the
rest of us the way, to work together no matter what party you belong to,
to let us know step by step how to go about, from the grass root level,
to initiate a term limits bill. Why not use your energy, your ideals,
your leadership to get members of all the parties to do something that,
it seems, most have expressed as wanting before this past November? Or
is that not important anymore?