Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > 7 Decades Series 2002 Budgies Part 26 A

7 Decades Series 2002 Budgies Part 26 A

major events took place in 2002: 1) i discovered birds as pets  2) I
completely retired 3) being judgement proof  The most fascinating thing
to me were the birds and I learned a lot about them. I started off with
one budgie--you call them parakeets---then another--after that I got a cockatiel and then another. I would eventually get 2 zebra finches not knowing
they are worse than rabbits! Before I knew it I had 19 finches! I,
finally, got wise and put the females in a separate cage.

start at the beginning. I wanted a pet and was thinking of a pug--if
you read the early parts of this series you will know I had a pug that I
absolutely adored. There were three main things holding me back with
the first being the responsibility of walking them, not being able to go
to go away for a weekend--no, I wouldn't put the dog in a kennel. The
second was that Gateway required a $500 deposit for all dogs and then,
the deal breaker, the scoop if they poop! On a coffee break at Big
Louie's one of the other servers started talking about birds which
perked my interest. The following week I was out looking at birds. At
one of the pet shops I talked to the owner and told them what I wanted,
which was a pet that wouldn't be a lot of trouble! (Now I ask you--is
there such a thing???)

really didn't have the patience to train a bird so he suggested I get
two budgies as they would keep each other company. My first question was
about bites as my doctor had warned me that if I got a bird bigger than
a cockatiel or one that had a sharp bite it could cause problems
because of my taking coumidin. That was the first mistake I made as
later I learned a single bird is more of a pet because they had to adopt
you as part of their flock but if they had a mate why would they need
me?!?!!? Oh yes to feed them, give them clean water and clean their

immediately fell in love with 2 budgies--a male and female--and between
the cage, food and toys it cost me $96. I decided to call them Butch
and Cassidy after the Sundance Kid movie. Instead of doing all the reading I could on the Internet and
bird books BEFORE buying them, being the kind of person who when he
wants something wants them now, I started doing research. I went to
Border's and read book after book, bought 2 bird magazines plus a book
on budgies.

first thing I had to do, and was a lot easier than I thought it would
be or people told me, was to change their diet from only bird seed to
pellets and cooked food.

are really very easy to take care of--basically feeding them once a
day, changing their water and once a week a good cleaning of their cage.
I discovered very early the 'trick' of layering the bottom of the cage
with newspaper so that each morning all I had to do was pick up the top
page and throw it out leaving a clean bottom.

people told me to keep their wings clipped so they couldn't fly out the
door or get into trouble. I didn't--I let them out of their cage any
time I was home making sure the doors were locked as well as the
windows. They very easily learned to return to the cage on their own at
10 PM for a snack.

yes--I did train the birds to be on my time. I covered their cage after
the late news and didn't take it off until I woke up. I never heard any
noise from them in the morning.

I did learn to find poop all over and I was surprised at the damage
they could do to anything hanging on a wall like photographs, clocks and

This was just the beginning of my 'bird history'!

posted on May 28, 2013 5:55 PM ()


2002 was caring for wife full time , time flew by
comment by kevinshere on May 29, 2013 12:02 AM ()
Probably easier taking care of birds!
reply by greatmartin on May 29, 2013 8:44 AM ()
I've always wondered about your birds, so am glad we have finally made it to that era.
comment by troutbend on May 28, 2013 9:24 PM ()
More to come.
reply by greatmartin on May 29, 2013 8:43 AM ()

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