I learned the hard way! Opened a Pay Pal email as I was expecting a payment from one of my sites--not much--only about $6---and that is the only time I use that site! I failed to notice it was addressed to Dear Customer instead of my by name and the computer died on me!!
Spent all week pricing computer desk tops and finally found one for $400+ at Best Buy where I can charge it for 12 payments without any interest and 'bought' it.
Before I bought it I had a computer guy who I know through another resident here and he came over looked at my old one and said MS 10 was DEAD! He tried a few virus programs and other things but he couldn't get it going. He did say he could uninstall Windows 10 and reinstall it but couldn't guarantee it would work so off I went to get the new desk top tower It is the second picture--wider, shorter and much lighter than the one I had but still needs a few millions wires--ARGH!
In any case I spent the weekend getting familiar with the new one, resetting this and that plus it seems Microsoft is sort of blackmailing their customers--you no longer can use Word/Office 2007 or anything else but their NEW software, costing a minimum of $8.75 A MONTH which means there goes the over 500 documents I saved but, unknowingly, I had saved most of them in/on 2 NON-Microsoft
Oh well an expensive lesson to learn but from now on I will certainly be sure my email is safe before I open it and most businesses will be deleted!
Okay, I have to go and rearrange my computer corner and those wires!!
without a computer and I don't like the lap tops either.