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Defining Gee

Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > Written for Him, June 2008

Written for Him, June 2008

1. You checked yes to being my best friend.
2. You took an interest in really getting to know who I am.
3. You believe in God.
4. You believe everything happens for a reason.
5. You listen to your heart.
6. You think deeply about things.
7. You openly share these thoughts with me.
8. You are very compassionate to others.
9. You sense my moods.
10. You don’t run when I’m in a bad mood.
11. You love family.
12. You’re an awesome Padge (Dad)
13. You drink tea.
14. You love your parents.
15. You’re appreciative.
16. You’re romantic.
17. You’re loving.
18. You’re affectionate.
19. You’re honest.
20. You’re fun.
21. You make me laugh.
22. I always smile when I’m with you.
23. I feel completely serene when we’re together.
24. Our hands fit perfectly together.
25. When I look into your eyes, I see how much you return my love.
26. Your soft kisses make me melt.
27. Your smile makes my stomach flip.
28. You don’t want to grow up, you’re a Toys R Us kid!
29. You’re a responsible man and father.
30. You admit that you make mistakes
31. You’re willing to accept that we can always make ourselves better.
32. You love to do all the little things that make me feel loved.
33. You never tire of telling me you love me.
34. You give great advice and are never pushy with it.
35. You share your life experiences with me.
36. You share your feelings with me.
37. You share your dreams with me.
38. You take interest in my family.
39. You share your family with me.
40. I feel accepted by your family.
41. You enjoy spending time with my family.
42. You aren’t afraid to cry.
43. You appreciate the classics and new movies.
44. You collect turtles, model cars and have a love for super heroes J
45. You’re a gifted writer and poet.
46. You’ve written poems for me that are beautiful beyond words.
47. I now have the physical album of poems to carry around and read when I have trouble remembering that I’m loved.
48. You never let me talk bad about myself.
49. You never put me down.
50. You are open minded.
51. You aren’t judgmental.
52. You love to laugh .
53. You love to make others laugh.
54. You look at my old scrapbooks, pictures and yearbooks.
55. You shared your baby book with me.
56. You trust me with your heart.
57. You believe in me.
58. We complete each other’s thoughts and answer each other’s questions before the question is asked.
59. You stopped to pick me flowers on your way to my house.
60. You like to watch me be silly.
61. The thought of me doing the button dance can make you happy when you’re having a bad day.
62. You walk my dogs with me.
63. You love my dogs and accept them as a part of my family.
64. You don’t feel smothered by my need to be close to you.
65. You worry about me when I’m down.
66. You surprised me with a visit because it broke your heart to hear me cry.
67. You’ve never made me cry.
68. If you did, I know it would be unintentional and you would wipe my tears.
69. I feel young with you.
70. I believe in forever when I’m with you.
71. We fold laundry together.
72. We’re both quirky and compulsive in different ways yet I find it completely adorable instead of annoying.
73. You call your brother “bro” and I call my sister “sis”.
74. You’re “brother” and I’m “sister” respectively.
75. You look cute with a bag of peas on your cheek while you’re sleeping J
76. You manage “virtual teams” online and I can hear your excitement when you talk about it.
77. You look cute singing your heart out in your desk chair and dancing in the living room.
78. You sure can make a tasty fried egg breakfast.
79. You’re better than a professional masseuse.
80. You think my feet are cute.
81. You tell me I’m beautiful repetitively, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me.
82. You’re always thinking of my comfort.
83. Loving you doesn’t feel like work.
84. We can (and do) talk all night about anything and everything and sometimes nothing at all.
85. You appreciate my random thoughts, “You have a very wide door.”
86. You appreciate my sense of humor.
87. You see my weaknesses as just another thing to love.
88. You’d wait forever and help me in any way possible, just for the opportunity to see me in full bloom.
89. You keep the drawings that your nieces make for you.
90. You’re sentimental.
91. You realize that the little things are really the big things and that everything else is just “stuff”.
92. You inspire me to be the best me I can.
93. You helped me remember who I was and who I dreamed of becoming.
94. You let yourself get burned like a lobster just because I wanted you to come swimming.
95. You’ve brought me closer to God through your relationship with Him and our conversations.
96. We play games together and laugh all the way through them.
97. When I’m with you, I have an overwhelming feeling of being “exactly where I’m supposed to be”.
98. We both treasure every minute we have together.
99. We have virtually the same values, beliefs and dreams.
100. You still call your Mom when you’re sick J
101. Everything is different in a good way since the day I met you.

posted on June 15, 2008 9:11 PM ()


Hold on to those reasons forever.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 10:38 AM ()
Wow.. sounds like a great guy.. I'm so happy for you! Does he have a brother hee hee
comment by frogfenatic on June 16, 2008 10:58 PM ()
Sounds like true love to me..........
comment by dogsalot on June 16, 2008 4:29 PM ()
I could read that list over and over again, it is that beautiful. The words are coming from your heart, I can feel them. Don't lose touch with it all...let that help you through anything because strength and a true belief in love and life are even needed in good times in order to sustain.
comment by donnamarie on June 16, 2008 11:33 AM ()
comment by greeneyedgemini on June 16, 2008 9:00 AM ()
too cool G... I am SO HAPPY for you!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 16, 2008 6:54 AM ()
These are great!
comment by lunarhunk on June 15, 2008 9:12 PM ()

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