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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Boring > The Urge or Lack Thereof ...

The Urge or Lack Thereof ...

To Blog!

I don't know what I should think of my lack of blog urge. Blogging has played such an important part of my life for almost three years. I hate to think that it could have served its purpose and that it will soon be just a memory.

Just a memory...

So many things that I had felt were concrete and permanent parts of my life have changed. Luckily I've had control over most of them. But just because I chose life changes (such as my impending divorce) doesn't mean that they were ever changes I would have planned (in the great scheme of things).

Wow, does that make sense to anyone but me?

I still get sad...

I mourn the dream of a united family (mom, dad, biological kids)

I get angry sometimes...

I'm genuinely happy ...

I cry for what appears to be no reason. The tears sting the inside of my heart as I try desperately to hold them in. It's as if I feel they have power over me.

The problem is that when I turn off tears, they are replaced two- fold with anger. Mis-placed anger...projected anger. I lash out because I hurt.

So I should cry. It just seems so fruitless when I'm not sure why I'm crying.

Perhaps I've just had an epiphany of sorts. Perhaps the reason I haven't been blogging is the exact opposite of me not "needing" the blog any more. It could just be that I haven't been blogging because there are too many scattered thoughts in my mind. And as fast as I type, I still can't get it all out fast enough.

These adult growing pains are tough. Some days I feel I have it all under control and other days, it's so obvious I don't.

posted on Sept 22, 2008 6:41 PM ()


It's really normal what you're going through and sadly it may take ALOT of time to fully get over everything and to fully accept everything. But I can promise you that one day, you will wake up and just be... ok.
comment by shesaidwhat on Sept 26, 2008 4:06 AM ()
I understand everything that you say here, particularly the grieving over dreams lost. When my ex-wife filed for divorce, I was devastated. I moved into an apartment away from her and my kids, and I cried alone every night for a months. The loneliness was like a huge cave that surrounded me and from which I couldn't escape.
But I survived. I ended up finding the woman of my dreams, and she and I have been extremely happily married now for eighteen years.
comment by hayduke on Sept 24, 2008 10:07 AM ()
You're going through a lot of stuff, mixed with pain, no wonder you're scattered
comment by stiva on Sept 24, 2008 8:31 AM ()
for me blogging comes and goes... I usually come up with something to blog about tho! If you aren't feeling it, don't worry about it, we'll all be here when you return!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 23, 2008 1:57 PM ()
I am having the same problem with blogging, so I understand!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 23, 2008 8:34 AM ()
I that that many of us experience that need to remain aloof and reflect. Lord knows, I have taken my share of breaks over the past several months. Any change can be difficult when we are rooted in routine. Failed marriages and the broken family unit are cause for extreme suffering and those tears that you cry. You know first hand, however, that when one door closes, another will open.
comment by angiedw on Sept 23, 2008 2:41 AM ()
Gee, I can totally relate to how you are feeling. When I went through my divorce in 2001, I felt the same way as you. Gosh, sometimes now I feel that way. Divorce is not just about the act of divorce, it's about the ending of a perceived marriage and 'whole' family. It's about teh failure of years of happy anniversaries. It's about so much more than just the actual divorce. So, I know how you feel. As for blogging, there will be days when you won't feel like blogging. For instance, some days you won't know what you feel. You won't be able to put your finger on why you are crying. And that's ok! Just take it one day at a time. If you feel like blogging, then do it. But, if not, don't worry about it. You know what i mean? I hope I'm making sense. Although, I do hope you don't stop blogging altogether.
comment by hopefields on Sept 23, 2008 1:56 AM ()
Gee, I've felt this way before. Perhaps you could take a break and come back when the feeling moves you. You needn't blog on a regular basis... Lord knows, I've taken numerous hiatuses. I leave for weeks at a time. When I left Blogster, I didn't blog for months. There are times, though, that one needs to get feelings out and you don't really want to express them to someone you know... Well, think about it...
comment by sunlight on Sept 22, 2008 11:46 PM ()
Very funny variation on the standard excuses we all give for not blogging regularly.
comment by troutbend on Sept 22, 2008 10:22 PM ()
comment by strider333 on Sept 22, 2008 6:53 PM ()

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