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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Really Feeling like Fall

Really Feeling like Fall

It was a cool but sunny day. I spent the late morning through early afternoon running errands for Marissa and myself. The traffic was horrible and the whole world seemed as though they were angry or in a hurry with the reckless way they were driving. I felt like I had about 3 near accidents in just a short time today. Needless to say, I was glad to be home.

It's my Mom's birthday, but I didn't see her today. I called and wished her a happy birthday,but tomorow I will be making dinner and cake and having the whole family over to celebrate Mom's birthday.

Kevin didn't sleep most of the night- too excited because my Dad was taking him hunting for the first this morning. I must say that I'm kind of an anti-gun person myself, but my Dad's always been a hunter and it was always something that really interested my son. I also know that it means a lot to my Dad to be able to build those memories with him, so I let it happen. I just don't want to hear any gory details!

The rest of the day for me was pretty relaxing (if I block out the memory of the kids fighting and picking on each other all day). G and I took a walk with the dogs. I took a shower and put on one of my famous weekend outfits (track pants and a t-shirt, hoodie when cold and my slipper socks). I make a couple of collages and I was pretty happy that G's daughter decided to join me for a while too. She's only with us every other weekend and her being a typical teenager, I don't feel like I've had much of a chance to get to know or bond with her. I'm getting close to finishing the latest book I'm reading, The Darkest Evening Of The Year by Dean Koontz. G's got me into reading again. I love to read but always told myself I didn't have time for it unless I was on vacation or something. Now I find I do have time and I make time to read here and there. It really does help your mind escape.

I'm still awaiting some notice about how testing is coming along at school on Kevin. He didn't do so good on his spelling test this week. I have his teacher conference on November 3rd. I'm sure they'll know by then. On a way positive note though- Kev has found a book series that he really enjoys reading!! So needless to say, I bought him a 3 book set at this week's book fair of Magic Tree House. He usually reads a chapter or so on his own and then (because of his reading difficulty) I re-read it to him before bed so he can just enjoy and get into the story. It thrills me just to know that he is actually enjoying a story. He's never enjoyed being read to.

My ex has his chicky from KY here for the weekend. It's funny that he can take so many weekends off for trips and to have her come here but he never could take weekends off with me and the kids when we were together or just with the kids now.

I wish little, intrusive thoughts like that didn't even pop into my head. I mean, why do I really care?? I so have the better end of the deal right now!! I couldn't be happier (well, maybe if I suddenly came into large amounts of money) but as far as love and family...I'm the richest woman in the world. And my love has every weekend off and always chooses to spend it with just me or the kids and I.

I miss Janetk :0)

posted on Oct 18, 2008 7:22 PM ()


Poor Mel has been waiting for the same thing!But I just wrote you a long winded e-mail over the weekend...
comment by janetk on Oct 21, 2008 7:03 AM ()
We are, all of us, wealthy in our friends and families. At a time when people are bleeding money, maybe coming together as families and friends will help us get through these difficult times. I certainly hope so.
comment by thestephymore on Oct 20, 2008 1:22 PM ()
Here I am.
comment by janetk on Oct 20, 2008 7:38 AM ()
I think the "Magic Tree House" series has helped a lot of kids take up an interest in reading. I know of a few.

G is a good influence on you
comment by stiva on Oct 18, 2008 10:27 PM ()
There is definitely the bite of chill in the air.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 18, 2008 8:40 PM ()
"As far as love and family...I'm the richest woman in the world." That reminds me of something I read on a church sign last week -- "If you want to feel rich, count all the things you have that money can't buy."
comment by mellowdee on Oct 18, 2008 8:19 PM ()

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