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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Another Rainy Day

Another Rainy Day

glitter-graphics.comRain on the tin roof made for a good night's sleep but the flash flooding was enough to cancel the first day of the horse races at the Saratoga Race Track. More importantly for me personally is the likelihood that it will yet again postpone our building project inside the house.

Inside my home, life is a dream. It's hard to believe that this is really "my life" I'm living. Being "in love" is so amazing and I can't believe I had mistaken love now that I really know what it is.

Outside my home, things are the same. It's been three days since contact with my mother. G even wrote her a long, heart felt e-mail with his intentions that I thought she would really like...but no response from her. I hate that one of her "moods" is already affecting the extended family relationship that we could be and wanted to build. The ex never wanted to spend time with family and it's so nice to be with someone who values family. They're only here for the Summer though and it is definitely her loss that she won't have that time to get to know G, see how happy our new family is and even to spend some time with the grand kids before leaving again. All winter she talks how she misses us and this and that she'll do when she's home. But when she's home, she has to work (not in Fla. though) so we don't see her much and all she talks about is how she can't wait to leave for Florida again.

(addendum: she wrote back. It was a nasty letter. I could feel the tone right away and didn't need to read the whole thing. She puts it all on me, saying I think the whole world is against me)

My Gram is also not talking to me even though it is over something really silly from like 3 weeks ago and I had talked to her like three times since then, but she apparently had forgot! And since she forgot, I have again called her once to talk to her and left two other messages for her plus emailed her (worried about her health and dr. visits)...with no response.

I hate having people that I love especially mad at me. It weighs awful heavy on my heart. It makes nothing as happy as it could be. It makes the air feel like it's smothering me.

posted on July 24, 2008 3:46 AM ()


You can not control or take responsibility for how others feel (and think). We all do our best to get along, but it isn't always up to us as to how somebody else is going to react, behave, or believe. Don't forget, a lot of their thoughts and feelings are based on their experiences, things that they've witnessed and heard in their lives...just like a lot of your thoughts, feelings, plans, etc. are based on your experiences and so forth. It is not healthy go do or say everything that will make others happy...that's called succumbing...and that's when you are at someone else's mercy, but not necessarily taking care of yourself, being yourself, or happy. Sure, efforts do need to be made and, hopefully, understandings will be reached. Compromises do work when choices need to be made sometimes, but never compromise's awfully darn hard to re-compensate for the loss, as you already know. Sometimes, others don't want to see or admit that something else is better...they're too emotionally tied-up in other ways (back to the experiences in their lives and their own feelings, opinions, etc.), it's really them and not you.
There's no need to fight with them, no need to apologize, and no need to give in...just know that you are ok, that you have tried and do try, that you don't hate them or hold anything against them, and continue to be who and what you are and need to do. (It's nice to be able to live with other people, but you have to live with yourself!)
comment by donnamarie on July 31, 2008 1:11 PM ()
Again.... you can't control them, but you can choose to be happy with the blessings you have. Life is messy, messy... MESSY! Be happy and hopefully people will follow suit.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 25, 2008 5:45 AM ()
I am so sorry to hear you family is treating you this way.You have G and your kids,KEEP being happy for your "new" life. Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 24, 2008 7:33 PM ()
It is a shame that they are being so hurtful and don't want to build on this wonderful relationship, but it is their loss. Don't let what they have done diminish the wonderful things you have goign on!
comment by lunarhunk on July 24, 2008 9:21 AM ()
I know this feeling all too well, as you know and I'm hoping things look up soon or at least everyone chills the f*ck out.
comment by janetk on July 24, 2008 7:36 AM ()

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