If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it?
yes but I'd want someone with me
If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with?
I'd only do it for a day or two but I'd like to be Marilyn Monroe
If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to becopme more attractive, would you do it?
Whom do you admire and why?
my grandparents for their strength
What was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
Something by Dr.
You're walking down the street, you come across a burning building.
A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do?
Get help or run in and try to save the baby
If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you?
daughter-teacher, son- business executive
What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol?
the ones where I have fun and don't get sick
What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol?
the ones where I've gotten sick!
As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it?
If I did, I'd know better than to try to keep it...the money wouldn't be worth the risk
If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them?
In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you'd receive 100 million dollars.
Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger?
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires?
ghosts yes, no to the others
If you could live forever, would you want to?
only in heaven
Which fivtional movie character most resembles who you are?
I really don't think there is one
If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit?
the 50's or 60's
If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it?
If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it?
If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to?
I may want to but I'm not sure that I would because I believe it interferes with God's will
Would you rather live longer or be wealthy?
tough one, but I'd say wealthy because I don't know the specifics of how long I'd live and the quality of life I'd have
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