Okay so those of you who've dared stay, I really do live in a trailer park and let me just say first off that there is absolutely nothing wrong with owning a mobile home or living in a trailer park. I absolutely adore my home and am proud that I bought it on my own after making the decision that my ex and I were going to divorce.
That being said, I also must say that I'm gaining a whole new appreciation and definition of how the phrase "trailer trash" was coined.
This brings me finally to the whole idea and inspiration behind this controversial blog. There is a HUGE difference between "trailer park trash" and "people who live in a trailer park".
You may define these two differently, but as far as I can see I live in a trailer park. And in this trailer park, there are others who are just "trailer park trash"
People Who Live In A Trailer Park
1. Live there because it's low cost living
2. Take care of what they have
3. Repair what needs to be fixed
4. Decorate tastefully
5. Actually keep track of where their kids are

6. Make sure their kids are in by dark
7. Try to be respectful and friendly with their neighbors
8. Don't freak out if someone from a neighboring lot steps in their yard
9. Work
10.Clean up after their dogs

Trailer Park Trash
1. Let their trailer fall apart and not attempt to repair them (they put their money into item 2 often)
2. Have cars that look more expensive than their houses
3. Let their kids play anywhere as long as they're not bugging them (in the road, away from their house, after dark, often no shoes)
4. Call the park manager about everything they can think to complain about (especially things they do themselves or about other people's yards being a mess or repairs others need to make)
5. Watch out their window for someone to accidentally step in their dirt (they don't have lawns) so they can yell out their window or back door (while wearing underwear, hair in curlers often with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth)
6. Don't even carry a bag while walking their dogs through the park. They let their dogs do their business wherever they please (as long as it's not in their yard)
7. Have had the police to their place at least once for domestic violence
8. Swear at their kids/spouses so loud with open windows that they can be heard inside the houses of people way down the street or when at the mailboxes

glitter-graphics.com9. Don't work, can't work, lives off the system or works someplace for minimum wage (job changes monthly as they can't seem to keep a job)
10. Seems to hate kids (because they're always yelling) but have several of their own that they don't seem to want or take care of
Maybe this is harsh, but I'm not stereotyping. It's up to you how you want to classify yourself if you live in a mobile home. It's not where you live but how you live that makes the difference.
I believe people here that you consider to be regular blogging buddies would not have intended to offend you if something was said that sounded stereotypical. They may have been teasing with you or pointing out impressions that many people often have, but not implying that YOU were being judged or that your living accommodations/style was being judged. You have friends here and they wouldn't want to hurt or upset you. If anyone else said anything offensive, then maybe you could be more suspicious unless you've had problems with any of those people before. If they intentionally meant to rattle you, then I can understand why you are being defensive and stating your position so clearly, and I agree with your reasons and what you have stated because they would deserve to be told off. But, don't waste too much valuable time on them because it's almost impossible to "reach them" anyway. Instead, continue your good friendships with the people you know that really care about you and feel good about your time here AND in your home! I'm sure it's lovely...I'm sure it looks very nice because you have been so busy making it a HOME. And, I don't care if other people have a problem with it because I wouldn't hesitate to visit you at all!