I got a call at 8:15 this morning that the Superintendent wanted to meet with me today at 3:30. I asked why as I had been told last week by the Principal that I hadn't had a second interview because the Asst. Superintendent knew me and was familiar with my work and didn't deem it necessary. I was told the obvious answer that either way..is just plain odd and doesn't seem in any way that it could be a good thing. I was told that it was the Asst. Super who said she didn't need to meet with me but that the Super himself wanted to meet with me.
1. The other 1st interview candidates had their second interview with the Asst. Super within just a day or two of their recommendation of the Principal.
2. All other positions have been hired (including the French position which is currently being re-hired because the candidate took another job)
3. I don't know anyone personally whose had to meet with Dr. JPM himself.
4. I graduated from this school. I filled a leave of absence in 2000. I worked for the school all last year. I have the recommendations of the Principals, interview comittee, my mentor and know of no reason at all for the hesitation and stringing me along since May
I do know how I feel though because of the way this whole situation is playing out:
Unvalued, Unimportant, Unappreciated, Unworthy of common respect

And above all, once again I am not only doubting myself (because of others) but I'm once again saying to myself:
1. If I don't get this job, I can't look for another in the teaching field.
2. I won't.
3. Teaching is apparently not for me.
4. I always believe everything happens for a reason.
5. Maybe it's time now that I took care of Factor #1 of why I've been so depressed and miserable for so long, it's time to face Factor #2 that gets me down so often.
6. I want to feel like I'm good at something even if it means I don't make the money I do teaching and I won't have the benefits of teaching.
Sometimes I envy a job like this...
