Shortly after my last post, I got a call from my sis about my Dad. The doctor said it was much worse than he thought it would be. All 3 arteries are 99% clogged and they were arranging for him to be transported to Albany for open heart surgery.
I spent the whole evening at the hospital. The kids went with their Dad as thankfully he got home from his trip today. I fed my Dad his dinner as he couldn't sit up or move at all for 4 hours after the test today. Then I went and bought him new pjs, t-shirts and socks to bring with him. I stayed with him while my sis and mom went to get a bit to eat. G came up and sat with me. He was awesome as usual. At 9:00 they brought my Dad by ambulance and we all went home for the night. Mom and Sis are leaving at 5 a.m. to go and be there with him for the surgery.
I'll go to work and take care of all of the dogs. I'm so not good with these situations. I just clam all up and get real "hard" on the exterior. Inside it's kind of like I'm pretending it's not real or not as bad as I know it really is.
I appreciate all of your prayers and positive thoughts. This is just all very surreal to me. I'll keep you all updated.