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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Getting Through Adjustments and Old Mind Sets

Getting Through Adjustments and Old Mind Sets

One of the problems I had in my past relationship is mistaking every argument to mean the possible end. It wasn't that I changed my feelings from the argument, but it was that I assumed he didn't want to be with me anymore (or that he didn't love me anymore, didn't want to please me etc.)

I'm finding this is an issue I still have. Things with G and I have been so near perfect that I've never had a single sad moment with him...until recently. Now don't get me wrong, nothing has been a big deal and he'd never do anything purposely to make me sad...but it's coming with the adjustment period of becoming a family. We're not two single people coming together. We're two families coming together and with that there is an even bigger adjustment. My two kids fight a lot (as most of you know) so we can't expect his kids and my kids to get along all the time. The more they become brothers and sisters, the more little squabbles will come up. Last night my 2 were fighting over who got to sit next to "Liz" and Kev ended up being rude to G over it while he was trying his best to mediate. I got overly sensitive about it even though I know that Kev is the one who needs an attitude adjustment (and in general is doing so much better). So although G and I didn't fight, it put a wedge between us for the night. I went out to his car where he was looking for some papers and apologized and told him I wasn't mad at him and that I was glad he tried to deal with it. He said it was all over and we kissed...but it didn't prove to be over because there was still this distance. I finally said I was going to bed at midnight and I was real sad when he didn't follow me. It's the one time I know I'll be in his arms and for that time everything will be serene. I took an anxiety pill and lay in bed with the t.v. on. Tears were coming to my eyes and I was getting angry. All the thoughts and feelings of being alone for so long and so lonely for so long were overcoming me. I was probably only in bed 15 mins. by myself but it was an eternity. When he did come to better, we talked and I cried. We both felt the other wanted to be alone when we both wanted to be together. We settled it and fell asleep safe and warm in eachother's loving embrace.

But today it happened again. Kev and Andy got into an argument of name calling over a bike seat misunderstanding. Andy was crying, Kev was being all defensive and we tried to mediate. Only our mediation tactics are very different. He wants the kids to come to us when things get heated but I feel like I like my kids to try to work things out by themselves whenever possible and not constantly come running to me. Rationally I know this is minor and we can work it out, but my heart is sad and scared. I don't want to lose this. I don't want it to change into what it was in my previous relationship.

As I sit hear, tears fall down my cheeks. I don't want a constant flow of tears like I used to have. I don't want him not to move in.

I want to be a family. I want to all love each other and be peaceful and kind to and towards each other. I feel like I'm doing everything I can to promote a positive, loving atmosphere for my new family. All I need in return is LOVE.

posted on July 19, 2008 11:59 AM ()


Express that fear clearly during intimate will always help when there are any disagreements or unhappy things to discuss because caution will be taken to avoid such feelings from rising up and the willingness to calm those fears if they should arise. By keeping communication alive and well throughout a relationship, being open and honest even with more difficult things, those fears may not arise as easily and quickly as confidence and trust builds...but, they can be eased if they should arise. Yes, relationships can end, but they don't usually end because of a fear from something that's been said in an argument... it's from something else that has already developed and/or festered, so try not to misinterpret the argument for something other than the argument itself. I learned that if Edie is mad about a bill I forgot to pay, she is only mad about the bill I forgot to pay...yes, she's upset with me for doing it, but only for what I did. She has not stopped loving me or feels I'm not worth it or that the relationship is over...and she is surprised to hear that I even thought that when all she was mad about was the darn bill and the fact I didn't pay it.)
comment by donnamarie on July 31, 2008 2:18 PM ()
Just keep communicating. It's really important. My best advice about dealing with the kids (to prevent future breakdowns and fallouts) is that the bio-parent's ONLY discipline their own children. I know that probably sounds silly, but I'm telling you, in my situation I have seen the blessings of my 2nd husband allowing me to discipline my children (he may have something to say, but will tell me in private for me to consider his view... he's often got a good point that I didn't see. But he never disciplines my children) Whereas my ex-husband handing most if not all parental discipline duties to his 2nd wife and the results are disastrous.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 21, 2008 6:17 AM ()
I completely related to this post, Gee (big surprise, eh?!). Nothing worthwhile is easy...just keep reminding yourself that you are not the same woman you were and G is not your ex. You're growing together and that takes time and patience...give yourself plenty of that.
comment by janetk on July 20, 2008 11:22 AM ()
Adjustment periods can be so hard. I'm sorry that it's causing you to cry. I'm sure that in time everyone will understand each other better & learn each others quirks. I can relate to those sad nights though and they sure do stink! Hang in there!
comment by jennrud on July 19, 2008 10:01 PM ()
I can so understand how much of a challenge this can be. Like you said, you know it will be all right. Kids are notorious for being the start of a parental debate with their disagreements. I know it hurts, but you are looking at it with the right perspective!
comment by lunarhunk on July 19, 2008 12:24 PM ()

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