Although I've had my moments, I must say that overall I am doing really well with the adjustment of Summer to Fall and part time to full time. For the most part, I think I have some of the best classes I've had in many years. Most of the students are real dolls and I enjoy them a lot. I've also had the great pleasure of seeing some past students. It makes me feel so good when they peek in the door to say hello or tell their little bro, sis or cuz to say hola to me. I even got a card saying hi from one of my last year's students.
I'm also really happy with how I've come out of my shell socially this year at both the middle school and the high school. I feel much more in a comfort zone this year and although I've still got tons of work to do, I think I may actually be making progress on this "getting comfortable in my own skin" process.
I feel more authoritative already too. I've already kicked two students out for being disrespectful, loud, and doing no work. People aren't going to walk over me this year. Students (unfortunately) have the right to choose failure and it's real hard to fight against this when their parents don't care either. I can encourage and deal with lazy, slow and "I don't understand". But I can't and won't deal with verbal abuse by students or behavior that keeps those who want to learn from being successful.
Wow! Now if I can just feel this empowered and confident all the time.
I am disappointed to say that I decided that teaching the college two nights on top of my full time job in the middle and high school was just too much. I was stretching myself too thin. I wanted to do it just so I could say I did it. There was very little money in it and I definitely don't "need" the money with the extra income I'm getting working full time this year. Therefore I made a "healthy selfish" decision to concentrate on myself, my full time job, my kids, my soul mate and my new extended family.
I also voluntarily have waved child support from my ex for now. It's just a friendly agreement between us and he understands that I'm not saying I'll never need or want support. Our legal papers are set up for him to pay support. My reasoning is that:
#1 We basically have shared custody #2 He takes very good care of the kids needs and would never deny them anything #3 I don't need the money #4 I don't want him to lose the house that means so much to him.
I know most people would think this was stupid of me but once again it feels awesome to make my own decisions and follow my heart. Money is needed to live and nice to have, but other than doesn't mean all that much to me. I'd rather everyone have exactly what they need than for some to have so much extra while others are going without basic necessities of life.
School germs have started already. Last weekend was horrendous! Murphy's law practically owned me! G spent Fri. night in the ER with his daughter (who turned out to be just fine). She just had a virus. Now Riss has been sick all week with a cold. So far, I'm staying healthy. I'm not sure if Kev just has allergies or if he's getting a little one too. Time will tell.
I applaud you for not taking the child support, for it again shows responsibility, ability, and unselfish ways. However, did you ever think that money might be needed down the road and, even though your ex would be responsible for it and would be willing to do his share, things do sometimes happen and, when the time comes, he might be less financially able and then there might be a problem. I'm not saying you should take the money...but maybe a savings account or a trust fund or something like that could be set up in the children's names. Instead of taking any money or there having to be any set amounts, maybe your ex (and even you or others) could just make some cash deposits in those accounts...sort of "child support in reserve". Then, if an emergency should arise, if something should put your ex in a different situation and/or you in a different situation...without everybody having to scramble to find a way to cover the support/expenses of the children, there would already be a fund there that you can draw from. If, for some reason, none (or not all) of the money is ever taken or used by the time the children grow, you and your ex can either decide on returning the money to him, dividing the money between the two of you, dividing it among the children, or...if it's set up as separate accounts for each child, let the accounts turn over to them so that they have a nice start for their adult years or to use for education, relocation, marriage, a car, toward a home, investments, or keeping it in the bank. (I'm just a nervous Nelly at times and always try to be prepared for changes that might not seem apparant but can be possible. It's like "saving for a rainy day")