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Defining Gee

Life & Events > An Angel Visit (Written on 12/16/08)

An Angel Visit (Written on 12/16/08)

G talks in his sleep. Sometimes he remembers and sometimes he doesn't. Often his dreams are scary dreams of him hiding or being attacked by some "thing". When he's having a bad dream, it's impossible for me to wake him, but other times he usually responds to me even when asleep.

Last night was one of those nights. He was very active and talking about hiding and protecting his back from danger. He was trying to take me with him (to be safe). He was scared and I tried to wake him.

Then his dreams changed and my ears perked up when I heard the name Sophie. This is the 3rd dream in recent weeks that involved Sophie. She was a baby girl, born to G and I (in his dreams). He could describe her; her hair especially. He had no idea where the name came from as he had never considered naming a child Sophie.

Last night was different and left me not only in awe, but also convinced that we had a visit from our very own guardian angel. She even had a middle name last night...Sophie Gabrielle...

G started with her name and then by saying: how beautiful she was; how pretty the colors were; how serene and peaceful he felt; and that he didn't want to wake up.

Then he said "One minute she's a baby and should see her wings".

In my mind a suspicion I had was beginning to be confirmed. She was his guardian angel. I've always believed in angels.

And if I wasn't convinced this was more than a dream, I was when he started speaking to me from her (while he was completely asleep).

He said to me: "She will protect you too. She loves you too." I replied thank you. He continued, "She says that she's sorry she wakes you when she visits me". I answered it was alright

Lastly he said one thing I can't remember (probably not a coincidence), along with She told me. She tells me lots of things. I can't share them with you right now. You wouldn't understand anyway. But you'll understand when it happens".

With this I'm assuming that Sophie Gabrielle disappeared and G seemed to wake up a little when he came over and cuddled up to me (telling me how much he loves me and that he doesn't tell me enough)

*For the record, he tells me all the time*

And that he just wanted me to know.

The name rang through my head all day...


posted on Dec 19, 2008 7:33 PM ()


I, too, believe in angels.
comment by anniel on Dec 20, 2008 10:45 AM ()

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