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Swiped from Elfie
Swiped from Elfie
1. Would you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your girlfriend
or boyfriend? Probably not. I just got my husband trained where I like him and I don't want to have to start over.
2. Where were you on your 17th birthday? specifically? I can't remember that far back!
3. Have you ever seen a live bat? yes. when we lived in pennslyvania Dad would shoot them if they got in the house.
4. Is there anyone you hate? I hate that burger king guy cuz he freaks me out. Like the latest one where they are in the future and the wife says, he's good with his hands!
5. How much are you on the phone daily? Not at all normally. Unless holly calls me. :)
6. Do you like the color orange? I am wearing an orange tee shirt right now.
7. Do you find it in your heart to forgive? forgive yes. I hand it over to God.
8. Have you ever seen a prostitute? Not that I know of.
9. Have you ever seen a real redneck? only when I look in the mirror.
10. Do you like tattoos and piercings? Yes I do. I have 3 holes in each ear. hubby has a bunch of tattoo's.
11. What size shoes do you wear? 7 and a half
12. What’s your favorite season? I think Spring is my new favorite. It used to be winter but we don't get snow anymore so its no fun.
13. Do you care if people talk smack about you? Yes, it bugs the heck out of me!
14. Do you like someone? yes i really like my husband.
15. Does your dad call you a nickname? he didn't have any nicknames for me. unless you count shithead.
16. Are you in a good mood? Yeah I am. : )
17. Do you think people will exist forever? Well I believe in God and that Jesus died for our sins. and that there is a heaven.
18. What is your sign? I am a scorpio.
19. Do you believe in luck? no not really.
20. Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump? I used to think I would like to go sky diving but after hearing about Kristy going parasailing, I think maybe not so much.
21. Do you like snakes? Good God NO!!! they totally creep me out and I will run screaming!
22. Where is one place you would like to visit? germany
23. Do you like waffles? They are alright, I don’t eat them much
24. Anything you are looking forward to? our family vacation in july!
25. What clothes are you wearing? orange tee shirt, black capri sweat pants
26. Do you watch TRU TV? I never heard of it
27. Be honest, do you like people in general? until they give me a reason to not like them
28. Big or small dogs? big DAWGS! I love any dog really but I am partial to big ole dogs.
29. Do you like Big Macs? I craved them when I was pregnant. I don't like them now since the meat is about as big as a quarter.
30. Did someone bother you today? nope i am all by my lonesome
31. What do you think about death? I don't like losing loved ones but I know we will be reunited
32. Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? of course. do I have to tell?
33. Does someone love you? how could they not!
34. Do you know anyone named Dave? my ex-neighbor's husband was Dave. total turd head
35. Name a friend whose name starts with an M? mmmhollywould
36. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? nope. and I bet they are thankful too
37. Got any nicknames? kota has started calling me chicken booty
38. What color is your hair? brown with blonde highlights
39. Do you like Starbucks? blech no! I like good old regular strong coffee
40. Are you named after anyone? the mary from the bible.
41. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yep. although I did eat a bagle with poppy seeds on it
42. How tall are you? I think I am 5'4"
43. Are you taller than your mom? only by a smidge
44. Do you like the color blue? I love the color blue
45. Who was the last person to send you an IM? no one.
46. Last restaurant you went to? milford diner
47. What do you order at Outback Steakhouse? we dont' have one around here
48. How do you like your steak cooked? medium rare
49. Last voicemail you received? a bill collector
50. What is the first thing you would do if you won five million dollars?
consult an accountant
51. How many hours did you sleep last night? who knows? 4
52. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? not really but if Toby Keith is around here I would like to go
posted on Apr 25, 2008 12:12 PM ()
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