Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Relationships > Life is Grand

Life is Grand

Yesterday was such a fun day. Ok, it started out with me cleaning but thats ok. My nephew B called and said he was coming over to visit. He is a nephew on my hubby's side, 22 years old. We have always had this close connection. We had coffee and just chatted while watching style TV. lol He has really good ideas about interior design, he gave me a few ideas for the living room. I looked at him and told him, you know this might be a stereotype but I really think you should get into interior design. The stereotype is because he is gay. He laughed and brushed it off saying he just throws things together. But I am going to look up some info for him about school and stuff dealing with interior design. He can also draw very well! He had so show me this music video he had found that he thought was hysterical. It was called Its ok to be gay by a guy named Tom Boy. It was funny. But then I was singing that song all day! Him and his mom are going to Gay Pride in Philly in June, I just think that is so cool!
Then a little while after he left, Kota got home from school. And right after that Hubby walked in the door! I was shocked he was home so early! But that gave us all time to enjoy the nice weather together. We even went over and visited with our neighbor. We then had a delicious dinner of leftover fried chicken, potato salad and lima beans. After dinner we went to see hubby's parents. We visited with them for a while and then walked next door to my sister's house. They had just got their new carpeting in. It is beautiful!
And to top it off it was Survivor and CSI night! what a perfect day!
The only bad news is we won't be going to Michigan this summer. We were supposed to go the last week in July. We were going with hubby's parents. Well they now have to go early in June and we can't go then. I am really bummed about not going. *sigh*
but maybe we can do something else, me hubby and kota. I will have to check into some things and see what we can do. The good part is we won't miss the state fair now. LOL

posted on Apr 11, 2008 5:10 AM ()


I was hoping you'd be driving through northwest Ohio on your way and stopping to see Jondude and then me. We'll take a rain check!
comment by marta on Apr 13, 2008 9:21 PM ()
Glad you had a good day--ah, yes, we gay men can bring sunshine into anyone's life!!! BUT don't depend on my fore decorating tips--I didn't get THAT gay gene!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 11, 2008 8:50 PM ()
We DVR'd CSI. Gives us something to watch on the weekends when there is no football. What time do you want to get the party started?
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 11, 2008 1:39 PM ()
Sounds like a great day! Your nephew sounds like a blast. Ya know, I have never been to Pride! I should be ashamed. I know. I just always seem to work when Providence does its thing, which includes a night, lighted parade!
Dinner sounded so yummy. I love leftovers.
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 11, 2008 10:23 AM ()
Listen to the girls.
comment by fredo on Apr 11, 2008 10:14 AM ()
It sounds like a wonderful day. I can't wait to see what you invent for your famil for July.
comment by pecan on Apr 11, 2008 8:54 AM ()
I'm sure that you will be able to plan something creative for you and your family to do. You are darn good at that--being creative!
comment by angiedw on Apr 11, 2008 8:18 AM ()
oh do something else! Definitely do something else!!!
It might be even better for it just to be you guys, ya know?
Sounds like a great day though... I am glad you enjoyed!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 11, 2008 8:12 AM ()
I'm so sorry that your plans didn't work out for July but I must tell you how I admire your ability to put a positive spin on it.
comment by janetk on Apr 11, 2008 6:42 AM ()

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