I was not going to even address this, but it is bugging the crap out of me. I vowed I would not contribute to anymore drama on this blogsite but when I find I am being accused of things I have not done, I have to address it. Now I know I will be told, well if you think it's about you then you must have something to hide or feel guilty about. That's just plain bullshit. We all know how this person likes to attack without mentioning any names and we all know who she is referring to.
I go to blogster to check on blogs over there of people I like. I read one in particular because she always has inspirational messages on her blog. Here is the link to what I found:
'My e-mail address has only been given to 3 people by me or Jenn and two of those I know wouldn't do this to me. '
Now since this family has crossed me off of their friends list, I have to assume they are talking about me as I had all of their email addresses. Behind the scenes of public blogs there was a recent incident. However, we both apologized and vowed to leave each other alone and wished each other a happy life, sincerely. I have kept up my end of the bargain. I do not visit their blogs on mybloggers but I see they are regular visitors on mine. Which is fine. I write about my family, the good, bad and ugly. I write when I am feeling good and when I feel like I have been kicked in the guts. If they think I would ever do anything to hurt bluegrasslady, then they never really knew me. First of all, none of the drama even involved bluegrasslady and I had no contact with her through any of the drama. I would certainly never pick on someone's mother! To think someone would think this of me angers me beyond anything I have ever felt in my life.
Again I will be accused of stirring the pot and causing more drama by blogging about this. But.... bluegrasslady's blog is public, open for anyone to read. And if I feel I am being unjustly accused of something you're damn right I am going to blog about it! And you can dish out any of your crap about 'this wasn't about you'. No one believes it! I am not talking about bluegrasslady, but her daughter here. I have left ALL of you alone and I have moved on with my life. I have no idea what she meant by this sentence: '
I am just flabbergasted, what have I done to make someone take my private e-mail and use it against me.'
I do not know if she has been getting spam or what, but I can tell you I would never do this to anyone, whether they are friend or foe. Thats not my style. I removed all of their email addresses from my address book and blocked emails from them months ago.
It will be said, no names were mentioned so if you think its about you thats your problem. You're right, it is my problem! Stop accusing me of things and just go away! I left blogster because of bluegrasslady's daughter and came to mybloggers. Things are much calmer here and there can be disagreements without people getting all hostile and calling names. I have new friends here at mybloggers. And while my choice of friends are not up to your standards, I don't care. Mmmhollywould has become a wonderful friend to me, a true friend. I am sorry not everyone knows her the way I do because she is an amazing woman. I know if I ever need her, I only need to pick up my phone and place the call. She has been there for me every single time I have needed her. She has encouraged me and given back my faith in people in general. I only hope that I have been as good a friend to her.
I am human. I hurt when someone thinks badly of me, especially when it is unjustly. I was already down and I feel I have been kicked even further down. I am so tired of feeling this way and allowing myself to feel anything by what they accuse me of.
Here is the email I sent this morning to bluegrasslady's daughter:
I just read your mom's blog over at blogster. The one about her email address. I seriously hope you all don't think it was me. I would never do that and especially not to your sweet mother. I am keeping my oath to leave you alone and I don't even visit your blog here at mybloggers. I swear on my mother's life it was not me, nor did I give it to anyone who could do that.
An apology would be nice, but I won't hold my breath.Finally, I find it rude , if this is in fact about me, which I am sure it is, that it would be posted at a blogsite I was forced to leave due to the harassment by this Lady’s daughter instead of at this site, MyBloggers where they are BOTH members and I would have had the opportunity to reply and given a chance to defend myself. Keeping in mind that I know the daughter influences the assumptions made.