So last night I woke up at 2 in the morning, fever raging, throat hurtin. I didn't want to get out of bed but I had to go take some motrin. I was shivering uncontrollably. I managed to take my motring and return to bed, where I had not one but two thick comforters. I was still freezing, just waiting for the motrin to kick in. Thats when my cat spunky came in. Spunky is a big cat, huge. I was laying on my side and he crawled onto my shoulder, purring in my ear. He really warmed me up. Sometime animals do know so much more than we give them credit for. One of the other cats came in to lay down and he chased her off. I guess he knew since he is the biggest cat he would be able to help me more. It really almost made me cry. And once I had warmed up he left the bedroom. He does not normally sleep with me. Somehow he intuited that I was very sick and needed extra warmth. And the purring helped to calm me down as well. I was thinking, when am I going to get well! And I was feeling sorry for myself. But somehow having the purring motor in my ear and the warmth of his furry little body really helped me. Unfortunately I was not to return to sleep. Once my fever went down and I was no longer freezing, I grabbed a book and went in the spare room to read. I could shut the door so the light would not wake up hubby or kota. So basically I had 3 hours of sleep last night. And amazingly I do not feel bad now! But I will probably grab a hot shower and at least lay down until kota comes home from school.
And I actually ate last night. Hubby called on his way home and asked if I wanted him to stop and get some soups. I told him no, I wanted a cheeseburger. I could only eat half of it but it was the best tasting burger ever! I am going to try and post a pic of my spunky.