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Life & Events > It's Gotta Be a Full Moon ...

It's Gotta Be a Full Moon ...

The gangs all here, Door Talker guy, big boobie lady...oh and a side bonus she brought her kids...add mr nose picker guy and my day has been a loads of fun...
Is it just me that thinks standing in front of a person blowing their nose ( or rather digging for whatevers up there) is just a tad disgusting?  
Big Boobie lady was suppose to test today....but I told her no...not with her kids, she knew that but just wanted to see how far she could push my buttons.   I told her she had to leave.  End of that discussion...come back when she had child care in place.   I'm sure she's happy with me....
Door talker was happy seeing big boobie lady, but I think her kids freaked him out.   Hell they freak me out too...it was a frickin zoo in here...
I've had folks coming outta the wood work today, and that dang door chime has been dinging all morning and making me nuts.  
Add to the fact I'm testing half of the county today....and one lady...bless her heart has never used a computer, and has a mouth worse than a sailor..*laughs*
My brain has turned to mush, and I need some chocolate...
O.K. end of rant...you can now return to your regular stations...

posted on May 7, 2008 12:05 PM ()


comment by carrryon on May 11, 2008 10:11 AM ()
I *Have* to go read back issues of this blog I see. The names alone are priceless!
comment by turftoe331 on May 10, 2008 7:46 AM ()
comment by mellowdee on May 8, 2008 1:15 PM ()
LOL.....full moons - what is it about them? The world seems to whack out completely! I love your "pet names" for these people....isn't it funny who the tags we give are so danged true!!! (Guess that's why we come up with them!!) Bottom line.....Rant on, baby, Rant on! THat's what we're here for!!! Hugs from here!
comment by dakmom on May 8, 2008 6:13 AM ()
That was a *great* rant, Elfie!Hope the freaks crawled back under their rocks by the end of the day...
comment by janetk on May 8, 2008 5:51 AM ()
Take a deep breath and then go home today and put your feet up
comment by teacherwoman on May 8, 2008 5:41 AM ()
You get the most interesting people there! I looked at the moon phases (weather here on mybloggers) and it's a waxing crescent!
comment by sunlight on May 8, 2008 12:04 AM ()
big boobie nose pickers? well, that's me all over yep the full moon really brings out the boo-boos. When I worked in a convienience store many moons ago, I always dreaded when a full moon came on a weekend at the first of the month. This is when all the whack jobs got their welfare, disability or whatever and were loaded for bear.

yer lucky I wasn't shot pal
comment by honeybugg on May 7, 2008 10:07 PM ()
But your station is so much fun--every now and then I forget all the 'fun' of work, read a blog about your work day and love that I am retired!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 7, 2008 7:57 PM ()
It has been raining here all week, so I can't verify the full moon. Drop by the hospital and check out the nursery. If it's full, it is a full moon for sure!!
comment by redimpala on May 7, 2008 4:07 PM ()
comment by looserobes on May 7, 2008 2:52 PM ()
ewww nose pickers are the worse! my other pet peeve, guys who have to scratch themselves in public, scratch their you know what!
comment by elkhound on May 7, 2008 1:19 PM ()
dang girl... all you are missing is the farter!!!
Hang in there... it kinda reminds me of my metro stories. It was hell living it but people laughed at them and in retrospect they were funny...
comment by kristilyn3 on May 7, 2008 12:26 PM ()
Full moon is right,they will be howling.
Wooohooo.Cute.Nose picker ugh'maybe some green slime up
there who knows.
comment by fredo on May 7, 2008 12:13 PM ()

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