The gangs all here, Door Talker guy, big boobie lady...oh and a side bonus she brought her kids...add mr nose picker guy and my day has been a loads of fun...
Is it just me that thinks standing in front of a person blowing their nose ( or rather digging for whatevers up there) is just a tad disgusting?
Big Boobie lady was suppose to test today....but I told her no...not with her kids, she knew that but just wanted to see how far she could push my buttons. I told her she had to leave. End of that discussion...come back when she had child care in place. I'm sure she's happy with me....
Door talker was happy seeing big boobie lady, but I think her kids freaked him out. Hell they freak me out was a frickin zoo in here...
I've had folks coming outta the wood work today, and that dang door chime has been dinging all morning and making me nuts.
Add to the fact I'm testing half of the county today....and one lady...bless her heart has never used a computer, and has a mouth worse than a sailor..*laughs*
My brain has turned to mush, and I need some chocolate...
O.K. end of can now return to your regular stations...