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Jobs & Careers > A Day in the Park

A Day in the Park

Yesterday was a long day, but an interesting one.   As I had mentioned before our Agency got together with agencies from Nashville and Clarksville at a Summit at a State Park in the Area.    There were about One hundred and forty something people there.  

They grouped us at Table by what we did with the company.    So we could talk and brainstorm on how other agencies did their jobs, and how they handled customer flow and things like that.   It was really very interesting.    It was surprising to our folks and the other people how we do basically the same things, but how differently we go about it.    Some of the testing we have and do for clients, they didn’t do….and some of the ways they do things surprised us.   But I think everyone got a lot out of it.   

The Park was beautiful…as most State Parks are.   Set deep in the woods with lots of wildlife running around.   But there were no signs posted as to where the building we were supposed to be in was.    So that was an adventure…some of the staff had put balloons out on the trees but the Park Rangers took them down…LOL   

Lunch was interesting…the bread was frozen, as was the lettuce, and tomatoes.   The Chicken salad was good and of course the ice tea..*grins*

The speaker we had in the afternoon talking about work ethics between the generations.  How work ethics have changed over the years, and the differences that are faced with each generation.    She talked about how Baby Boomers look at work differently from Generation X and Y’rs.   

We all made some really good contacts, and found folks that can help our clients in new ways.   It was a good day…but a long one.   I think I crashed before 8:00 o’clock last night.   LOL 

posted on May 6, 2008 9:38 AM ()


There couldn't have been a nicer place for this event than out in the great outdoors! It's comfortable, pleasing, and I believe it keeps people enthusiastic and energized...where, if indoors in a meeting room, people would get fidgety, bored, and unfocused.
comment by donnamarie on May 7, 2008 10:27 AM ()
I wonder why these luncheons always manage to have the worst meals conceivable???? I would have enjoyed the sights and sounds of the park.
comment by angiedw on May 7, 2008 4:48 AM ()
sounds like your session was productive. its easier to think constructively in such a setting I think, rather than in a stuffy, uncomfortable meeting room.

yer having fallen asleep in many a meeting pal
comment by honeybugg on May 7, 2008 3:15 AM ()
Sounds like a great place for a conducive brainstorming session. A lot of our best brainstorming sessions take place outside our office meeting rooms at the cafe next door or at the picnic tables (when the weather is nice.)
comment by mellowdee on May 6, 2008 9:13 PM ()
Nice! It sounds like you had a very constructive day.
comment by mattguru18 on May 6, 2008 3:05 PM ()
awesome! I wanna go to the park!
Sounds like ya also got some much needed sleep!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 6, 2008 10:06 AM ()
And do they deal with the same kind of flakes you do??? I'm sure they do--flakes are everywhere!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 6, 2008 10:04 AM ()

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