Hell has frozen over, it's offical. It snowed in my home town in Louisiana..LOL
Actually it's ice here in TN. What normally takes me an hour to get home...took me 2 1/2 last night. Slipping and slidin the whole way. Scary as hell. People all over in ditches and hitting each other and trees. Was quite fun last night. I got stuck twice, got out of one of them...I did manage to stay out of the ditch. Second time was on my own street. I live up sort of a little hill, and after two hrs of white knuckle driving I got a little excited and couldn't make it up the my street...luckly Ken was watching for me, and helped. So I did make it home safe and sound. Frazzled around the edges but fine..*smiles*
This weather snuck up on everyone, hit fast and out of the blue. When I left work it was raining with a little sleet mixed in. By the time I had driven 20 miles it had stuck to the streets, and there were wrecks all over the place.
We are suppose to have our Christmas party at work today. But no way am I getting out and breaking my neck. I'll keep my own present..LOL I bought a book light, so since I like it, I'll use it.
Be careful out there folks. *hugs tight*