Not sure where to even begin as I've been gone so long.
I miss everybody like crazy. That is a given.
Ken is working now...thankgoodness
Mom stopped eating, was throwing food down the toilet. Lost 30 pounds. Had to put her on Megaze (I know i'm not spelling it right). She's eating again now and seems to be in better spirits. Although she was pretty pissed she hadn't won at bingo lately.
Work is a zoo. A Freaking Zoo. So many people out of work, so many people so angry. I am so tired when I get off work it's all I can do to stay awake driving home. We are seeing close to 70 folks a day, and it's just me up front so I stay busy. So when I get home I don't even want to look at the computer or answer a phone or talk to anybody.
Not much else going on I guess...or can't think of anything right now.
Miss everybody...
*hugs tight*