I live in an older house and sometimes the magnetic catches
on the kitchen cabinets wear out. This was recently
taken advantage of by my dog who raided the lower cabinets
and found his monthly supply of Denta Stix. Needless to
say, he gobbled up all of them. This was done in my
absence . I came home to a shredded package which I gathered up and put in the trash.
The next morning when it was time for Rex's treats, a
Denta Stix was not forthcoming. He promptly went to the
trash and got the wrappers and strewed them about, carrying
one in his mouth, as if to say, "You forgot something, Mom." I ignored him but he kept carrying a wrapper
around all day. The next morning the performance was
repeated It was time to go to the mall and purchase
some more to feed his addiction. I am easy.
Bobby went to Pet Smart with me and while I was buying
two months supply of Denta Stix, he was looking at
clothes for his adorable Yorkshire Terrier. We found
a charming blue plaid dress and rushed home to dress her
up. I thought she looked like a doggy housewife and
Bobby told her that she looked like a whore in her ruffles and plaid.
I quite realize that this is insane behavior on our
parts where our dogs are concerned. Neither of ua have
ever met an animal we did not love or who did not come
to love us. Linda is almost as besotted as we are.
She looks forward to visiting Rex as much as to seeing
us when she comes home.