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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Losers Weepers

Losers Weepers

I am spending half of my life finding lost articles. We
need a system. This morning Ted came in and said he had
no jeans to wear and he had to immediately go out and buy
5 pairs of levis in a size 40 because he had gained too
much weight for his 38s. We went through his closet and
mercifully found 5 pairs of jeans and 5 pairs of khakis
in the right size. They are currently sorted if he will
leave them alone. Then he lost his keys and his pocket
knife which I also found. He lost cash that we have never
found and it hasn't been very long since he lost a key to
the prius which we will never find. We are currently using my key which is the only one that we have
left and I am jealously guarding it because toyota assures me that it would be very difficult to replace.


He is trying to do all the things that he used to and it
is getting us in trouble. He started to clean the air
conditioner today and I have had to call a repairman
to do the job because he was not able to finish it.
I find tools left out and little jobs half done all of
the time.

No one ever said life was easy but does it have to be
this hard?

posted on June 23, 2015 12:15 PM ()


Sad, I am starting to lose my memory too, but nothing like what you describe with Ted. It must wear your patience thin sometimes.
comment by dragonflyby on July 5, 2015 6:42 AM ()
So often men who are struggling with health issues refuse to take a step back because they feel they can still do everything. I had a terrible time keeping Jay off ladders when he was losing ability. Also, he kept taking things apart, accustomed to finding and fixing "a problem". I'd come
home and none of the lights would be working.
comment by tealstar on June 28, 2015 9:56 AM ()
My memory is bad now, I can't fathom what it will be later.
I hope things ease up a little. You certainly deserve a break.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 25, 2015 10:42 AM ()
How could you not be having a stress related memory glitch? Two little
ones, adorable as yours are, are a handful.
reply by elderjane on June 26, 2015 5:50 AM ()
Me and the people I hang with are in our 60s or very last 50s and memory is a constant complaint. So far, none of us really have a serious problem. Fortunately you are in good shape to keep track of Ted!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 23, 2015 5:08 PM ()
I am being very mindful of my health now that I realize that I am sorely
needed. I am thankful it is not worse.
reply by elderjane on June 24, 2015 5:29 AM ()
Many times I've wished I could push a button and have whatever I lost make a beepy sound, like finding the cordless phone handset.
comment by troutbend on June 23, 2015 3:31 PM ()
Our Panasonic cordless phones have a locator button on the main console. Only difficulty is they all beep so you have to separate out the different directions the beep is coming from.
reply by tealstar on June 28, 2015 9:53 AM ()
That would be so great. Fortunately we got the air conditioner man
out to finish up the cleaning this afternoon. I listened to his problems
with the IRS for a very long time. amd I wonder where the time goes!
reply by elderjane on June 23, 2015 4:55 PM ()

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